lxxvii sharpie eardrum

A hole in the tissue that separates the ear canal from the middle ears

May be caused by loud sounds, a foreign object in the ears, head trauma, a middle ear infection or rapid pressure changes, such as from air travel
Sending shock waves into the inner ears the inner ears and can cause problems with hearing

The eardrum is the first barrier of the middle ear compartment and is responsible for the sound collection and transmission from the outer ears toward the inner

Treatable by a medical professional

Requires a medical diagnosis

Lab tests or imaging often required
Short-term: resolves within days to weeks

The tympanic membrane is also called the eardrum. It separates the outer ears from the middle ears. When sound waves reach the tympanic membrane they cause it to vibrate

A tear in the eardrum can allow bacteria and other things to get into the middle ear and inner ear

This could lead to an infection that might cause more permanent hearing damage

Most perforated eardrums heal in a few days to weeks but If they don't heal, sometimes doctors do a surgery to repair the hole.

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