10 Keys to Success Every Nigerian Artist Should Know

[Iyanya/Premium Times Nigeria]

The Nigerian music industry has long been regarded as a gold mine for emerging talents and seasoned artists alike. However, breaking into the scene and achieving sustainable success is no walk in the park. Iyanya, the multi-talented singer and performer who has risen to prominence over the past decade, recently shared his invaluable insights into what it takes to make it in the ever-evolving Nigerian music landscape.

With over a decade of experience under his belt, Iyanya's words of wisdom are nothing short of gospel for aspiring musicians and industry insiders alike. In a candid social media post Iyanya delved into the core principles that have remained unwavering since he made his mark in the industry. His advice, though concise, carries the weight of his remarkable journey to success. Here are Iyanya's 10 commandments for those seeking to thrive in the Nigerian music industry:

1. Stand Firm on Your Worth:

If you've set a fee for your performance, Iyanya's first commandment is clear—don't budge. The music industry can be rife with haggling, but once you've established your value, hold your ground.

2. Don't Undervalue Yourself for Familiar Faces:

It's a common trap to reduce your fee for friends or acquaintances, but Iyanya cautions against it. True friends will recognize your worth and respect your pricing.

3. Beware of the "Chairmen":

There will always be individuals who invite you to events solely to impress their significant others. Recognize these situations and don't compromise your value.

4. Maintain Your Fee Integrity:

If you've set your price at 10 million Naira, don't accept anything less. Iyanya reminds us that those who attempt to underpay you will share the news, potentially devaluing your services.

5. The Price Tag and Stress Correlation:

Iyanya astutely observes that lower-paying gigs often come with more stress. Higher-paying clients are more likely to be hassle-free, so keep this in mind when negotiating.

6. Watch Out for Booking Hijackers:

Some individuals may attempt to seize control of your bookings to secure a lower rate or a share of your earnings. Stay vigilant and stick to your agreed-upon fees.

7. Honor Your Agreements:

If you've agreed to pay a percentage of your earnings to someone, follow through on your commitment. Maintaining trust and professionalism is crucial.

8. Demand Live Performances:

In Iyanya's view, live music always trumps DJ-backed tracks. Insist on live bands whenever possible, as it elevates your performance and leaves a lasting impression.

9. Free Gigs Over Honorariums:

Iyanya advises that it's often better to perform for free than to accept what some call "honorariums." Except in specific cases, prioritize more substantial rewards for your hard work.

10. Embrace Your Inner Tough Guy:

In a somewhat unexpected piece of advice, Iyanya suggests that artists with a more formidable presence are often more respected in the industry. Scarcity and a bit of mystique can fuel demand and respect.

Iyanya's words of wisdom offer a glimpse into the complex world of the Nigerian music industry, where talent and resilience must harmonize to create a symphony of success. Aspiring artists can find guidance in his invaluable advice, and even those already established in the industry may discover new perspectives to navigate the ever-changing landscape.

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