Monetizing Skills On Social Media Through Music

by Kabura Ng'ang'a

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Picking up on the Azziad royalty story, we today shift to what it means to access money courtesy of your social media following in the context of music.

Times have been changing and this has shaped the music industry differently; how people release their music, how they market it and the criteria they use to get people on their music videos. In essence, releasing music is all digital and very few consumers will actually get around to buying physical copies of music pieces. Now, for this article we focus on the last two; marketing and casting; outside of just the musician.

The business of having professional video vixens has been there since music was commercialized. This has however changed with the entry of social media as a marketing tool. As a video vixen at this point in time, it has become also important for one to have quite the following on social media. This is considered to help the song get to larger masses and in turn increasing the sales. Case in point, Azziad has proven that she can dance, she is not camera shy and has garnered large social numbers. This might in turn translate to her being cast in more videos in the near future (as she has already by Ringtone). This then is Azziad monetizing her love of music by just being on social media.

Marketing is almost automatic to understand but not so outside of the artist. Artists have been releasing their singles and creating challenges around them, especially now with the existence of TikTok. As a consumer, you choose what challenge is worth jumping on and this might translate to you winning a cash price; if the artist has that; or you getting the attention of the artist. This again might have you being featured by said artist or more artists who tap into what you have presented whether vocally, dancing or any other skill. For example, Azziad blew up on TikTok and managed to help in the marketing and possible blowing up of ‘Utawezana’ and now more artists are likely to pay her to spearhead challenges around their songs on social media and help market said songs.

As a consumer of music and with a need to explore the industry deeper, use what is available to you and exploit Social Media because it might just be the key to gaining both traction and money.

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