Two Truths and a Lie
Time Required: 15-30 minutes

Start out by having every team member secretly write down two truths about themselves and one lie on a small piece of paper
– Do not reveal to anyone what you wrote down!
Once each person has completed this step, allow 10-15 minutes for open conversation – much like a cocktail party – where everyone quizzes each other on their three questions.
The idea is to convince others that your lie is actually a truth, while on the other hand, you try to guess other people’s truths/lies by asking them questions.
Don’t reveal your truths or lie to anyone – even if the majority of the office already has it figured out!
After the conversational period, gather in a circle and one by one repeat each one of your three statements and have the group vote on which one they think is the lie.
You can play this game competitively and award points for each lie you guess or for stumping other players on your own lie.
This game helps to encourage better communication in the office, as well as it lets you get to know your coworkers better.

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