EXCLUSIVE: Rajayjay addresses Kenyans over controversial video, 'Pombe Bangi'


Barely three days old, hip hop and local pop artiste Rajayjay's video ‘Pombe Bangi’ has gone what I can modestly put as “Berserk”!

With over 53,000 views o Youtube, you have to agree the rapper knew his ropes and what he was doing when he chose to release such a controversial video. The issue whether he knew what he was doing or not should not be controvertible issue when we can simply visit the stable and get the word straight from the horse’s mouth.

Image Courtesy of Rajul Rajayjay

“In this industry we all have to fight for the top spots. It is not a professional like medicine or law where your papers speak for you. So I went for it and controversy is what sells most hence the idea behind the video. The number of views will be my judge. Shall we wait and see?” shared the rapper in an unruffled tone.

Many have being questioning whether the video scenes are from live events and whether the girls knew what they were doing, a question Rajayjay was more than willing to answer: “The video was a bit of both reality and on set. In the house the scenes were shot on set and the scenes you see outside were taken randomly; a decision taken by the director”

There you have it music people! Rajayjay clearly was more than sound of mind - He was purposeful. So hate or love, the game is over and Rajayjay's arrow just landed on the bulls eye.


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