How To Marry A Heartbroken Person

I know you're being hurt by someone, really heart broken,
I'm realising that the ones that promised you that they'll be with you always,
That they’ll never leave or forsake you,
Walked away and broke your heart.

It’s been a hard and long path for you to regain the happiness that you lose by
Wanting to believe in love again,
Yet too hurt and broken to give in,
Building the highest walls to protect your heart.

I’m here now, standing before you,
Because I see the pain shrouded behind
Your beautiful eyes that hide your depths
And I’m willing to take the time in modifying you to become my chosen favourite...

To earn your trust, respect and love..
By protecting your heart and controlling it,
Loving you unconditionally
And standing beside you, always.

I believe in wot's meant to be with you,
That our paths are going to cross and bypass,
Previous love was inevitable and destined,
But now, the rest of the journey is up to us.

Take my hand, and let’s just take our time:
To walk, talk and learn about each other.Our hopes, dreams and everything in between.
Taking down the walls, piece by piece.

As I look into your beautiful eyes,
I see why I’m here with you as love fills my heart.
Know that every day, for the rest of our lives,
It will always be two in one, you and me...
Loving, living and laughing for the rest of our worthy life. I love you, I need you, I wanna marry you


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