Just then, Pharaoh’s daughter went to the river to bathe. She saw the basket in the tall grass. Her servants were walking beside the river, so she told one of them to go get the basket. The king’s daughter opened the basket and saw a baby boy. The baby was crying and she felt sorry for him. Then she noticed that it was one of the Hebrew babies
Moses was born in the wrong time but the right season. It was the season of deliverance and time when children were being killed.
The Lord intervened over his life and he was raised in the house of the murderer. Ate and grew there.
When a man has a divine purpose over his or her life the system of divine intervention is automatic in their life.
The boy was preserved and when he was mature for his divine mandate the Lord ushered him to the wilderness of sinai for divine encouragement.
From his birth to his assignment as a deliverer the life of moses was marked with divine intervention.
I declare because of your divine mandate I usher you to a life of Divine interventions in Jesus name.

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