Zuchu Finally Releases Official ‘Sukari’ Video

[Photo Credit: Zuchu Instagram]

By Branice Nafula

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Tanzanian songstress Zuchu has dropped the video to her latest song dubbed ‘Sukari’.

‘Sukari’ is Zuchu’s first project this year after having a successful year in 2020 when she was unveiled by Wasafi records.

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‘Sukari’ is a Swahili word that translates to ‘Sugar’. In essence, Zuchu compares love to the sweetness of sugar.

“Eti nimemlambisha, Ananiambia chombeza, Tena nikiizidisha, Ananiamba Koleza, Nikitaka kusitisha, Aniamambia Ongeza, Japo imethibitishwa, Ila itampoteza…” the song’s lyrics read in part.

The video is an amazing work of art with the pomp and colour standing out.

Two days after it premiered, the video has over two millions views on YouTube.

Read Also: Fans Lacked Female Bongo Singer to Support before Zuchu’s Arrival – Mbosso

Thanks to ‘Sukari’ video, Zuchu has become the first female Tanzanian musician to hit one million views on YouTube in 22 hours.

“Asanteni sana lakini pia in one day we made sukari reach 1.8 thank you so much,” she captioned.

Judging by Zuchu’s first 2021 project, she is keen to pick up where she left last year and probably dethrone Nandy off the title of Best Bongo Female musician.

Being her debut year, she surprised many in 2020, but having learnt the rules of the game, she is now better placed to conquer the African continent and World at large.



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