Gemma Griffiths Opens up on How She Started Doing Music

[Photo Credit: Gemma Griffiths Facebook]

By Kinya Mwangi

Gemma Griffiths is one of the few Zimbabwean musicians you can confidently state has made it a successful career out of music. It is a journey which she embarked on since she was a kid but did not know that she would end up in life making good music.

In a recent narration, she pointed out that at the age of six years, she started playing instruments and a little bit of lyrics.

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Soon enough, she found more thrill in different instruments. She would wake up daily feeling the urge to sing more and play more instruments.

“I started playing music when I was about 6 years old. I loved it. Through the years I settled on instruments that felt right - it’s like they chose me... piano, trumpet, guitar - these were the three I gravitated towards, and I woke up wanting to play,” she wrote in a recent Facebook post.

However, her entry to music was interesting because it started off as poetry with melodies. Before long, she realized the gift in her was music which she has continually pursued.

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“The poetry began to gain melodies and turn into songs... I still write those too. Sometimes when I look at the journey, and how I was working at doing what I really wanted to do all this time, I feel like the luckiest girl around. I knew back then what I still know now - music is abounding in life, in excitement and in meaning. When people ask me what inspires me to write... I can only say “music itself”.” Towards the end of 2020, she released her EP “Pamwe” which is ruling the charts as Zimbabweans battle a second nationwide lockdown due to COVID-19.

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