Tetu Shani shares his low-life moments in new beautiful song titled 'Saidia Mimi'

by Kabura Ng'ang'a

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Being an artist is sometimes struggling to pay rent, to get fare, to take care of people who are depending on you but still showing up at shows to kill it and entertain a crowd. This has been true for Tetu Shani some two years ago after he played for an excited crowd at Koroga Festival and he has turned his lemons into this beautiful song titled ‘Saidia Mimi’.

‘Saidia Mimi’ is based off of true events in Tetu Shani’s life. He writes under the song of a time he was too broke to pay for the basic amenities in his life and they lived in a house with cut out water and he couldn’t afford rent at the time. He has simplistically yet beautifully put this together in this song.

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The video begins with a Tetu in a bedroom with nothing going on for him. The director uses simple visuals to bring the audio to life; Tetu and a house. We watch, in a very animated way as everything is swept away from Tetu Shani’s house and he is left with nothing which really is the only way to explain Tetu’s words.

This is definitely one of the most beautiful songs by Tetu Shani with just chants, the bass drum and the acoustic guitar. Catch a vibe with him on ‘Saidia Mimi’.


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