Utamaduni Day, formerly known as Moi Day or Huduma day is a Kenyan holiday celebrated on every October 10th.

Initially the day was set aside to celebrate the legacy of the second president of Kenya, Daniel Arap Moi until it was declared unconstitutional after the promulgation of the new constitution. Moi Day had been celebrated since 1988 commemorating the marking of 10 years in power by the then president. With the new constitution, the administration felt it was time to reconsider what Moi Day truly signified leading to the holiday being scraped off.

In 2017, the holiday was reintroduced and the renamed to Huduma Day which translates to service day giving it a new significance as well as the day was set aside to be a day of service to the people. In 2020, the day was redefined to Utamaduni Day to honor and celebrate Kenya’s rich cultural Diversity.Utamaduni Day plays a pivotal role in promoting national unity, inclusive development, equity, and justice by embracing our cultural diversity.

From us here at Mdundo we wish you a happy Utamaduni Day!