Ramadan 2024 - Fasting ,Charity and Self - Reflection

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Written by : Nelly Chelagat

Download Prayers For Ramadan

Our Muslim brothers and sisters mark  the begining  of yet another yearly month fasting and prayers  commonly known as 'Ramadan.'  . Here at  Mdundo , we've moved a step forward to guide all of what Ramadan entails . Keeping you informed ,as you support the muslim community  during the holy month . 

Below are explanative answers to questions commonly asked ,in regards to the holy month of 'Ramadan'.

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic Calendar. It is the holy month observed by Muslims around the world as a time of spiritual devotion , reflection and celebrations of the mercy and Love of Allah.It is widely remembered as the time Prophet ‘Muhammad ‘ received the first revelation of the Quran . 

Purpose of the Holy Month to The Muslim Community.

The most significant purpose of Ramadan is to uphold the fourth pillar of Islam ‘ Sawn’ . Arabic Translated to ‘Fasting.’More so it's inclined to reflection and divine revelations in an effort to get closer to God . It also includes time for families and loved ones to commemorate and celebrate.

It is believed that during this period the gates of Hell are closed and that of Heaven are opened .

When does Ramadan Begin and End?

The holy month officially commences when the month of ‘Shaban [ eighth month of the Islamic  calendar ends . While it ends at the beginning of the tenth month of the Islamic Calendar [ Shawwal]. Ending of the period is officiated by a three day celebration known as ‘ ED- al-Fitr’.

Ramadan  which varies depending on the onset of the moon sighting. The period is mainly based around the Lunar cycle- shortest cycle in the solar calendar - and rotates by approximately ten /eleven days each year.

How Long Does Ramadan take?

Ramadan takes roughly 30 days . This year is of no exception .The holy month is expected to commence between 10/11 March and is supposed to end on the 9th -10th April ,2024 depending on the moon sighting.

Exemptions from Fasting.

Healthy people of teenage age and older fast from dawn to dusk during the period . Elderly, young children ,pregnant women ,nursing mothers and those with chronic illnesses are exempted from fasting.

Prohibitions during Ramadan.

Muslims are required to abstain from drinking , eating , smoking and engaging in sexual activity,  taking medication , chewing gum.Abstaining from gossip, jealousy ,anger ,greed and negative thoughts are also encouraged.

What happens if you don't fast during Ramadan?

If one does not fast during Ramadan , either a day or the entirety, you can either fast another day later in the year or provide a meal to a person in dire need for each day you skipped the fast.

Are you allowed to exercise during Ramadan?

 Exercising is permitted yet very much not advised as it will result in fatigue and thirst. That will require water to quench , that's prohibited during the period .

What happens during the Holy month of Ramadan?

The Muslim community rises before dawn for their first meal of the day known as ‘Sohour.’ They typically have a filling meal with plenty of water ,for their sustainability till dusk. At dawn, the eating stops and prayers begin . The rest of the day goes on relatively normal At sunset ,the fast is broken with dates and water.Followed by the sunset prayers.After prayers the evening breaking of the fast takes place . The norm continues throughout the month

What happens at the end of Ramadan 

The last evening of Ramadan is called ‘Ed-al -Fitr’ or’ the feast of breaking the fast’. It is marked by a special set of prayers called ‘ Salat al-Ed’. As Ramadan ends , a large breakfast is prepared at the first light and  a big dinner follows later on. Ed-al- Fitr is marked by a three day celebrations that's filled with food ,gifts ,games and laughter .

30 days Ramadhan Prayers

Day 1: Al-Rahman

Oh Allah, The Most Gracious, on this blessed day of Ramadan, shower us with Your boundless mercy and grace. Grant us the strength to fulfill our duties with compassion and kindness towards others. Protect us from all forms of harm and guide us towards righteousness. Help us embody Your mercy in our actions and words. Amen.

Do: Practice acts of kindness and generosity.

Don't: Engage in gossip or backbiting.

Day 2: Al-Rahim 

Oh Allah, The Most Merciful, as we embark on this journey of Ramadan, envelop us in Your infinite mercy and compassion. Grant us the wisdom to forgive others and seek forgiveness for our own shortcomings. Help us extend mercy to those in need and uplift the spirits of the downtrodden. May Your mercy shine upon us always. Amen.

Do: Forgive others and seek forgiveness.

Don't: Hold grudges or resentments.

Day 3: Al-Malik 

Oh Allah, The King, on this third day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the Sovereign King of all creation. Grant us the humility to recognize Your supreme authority and the wisdom to submit to Your will. Help us lead our lives in accordance with Your divine decree, recognizing that all power belongs to You alone. Amen.

Do: Show humility and gratitude.

Don't: Be arrogant or boastful.

Day 4: Al-Quddus

Oh Allah, The Holy, on this fourth day of Ramadan, we praise You as the Most Holy, free from any imperfections or blemishes. Purify our hearts and souls from all forms of impurity, and help us strive towards righteousness in our thoughts, words, and deeds. Grant us the strength to resist temptation and uphold the sanctity of Your commandments. Amen.

Do: Purify your intentions and actions.

Don't: Engage in sinful behaviors.

Day 5: As-Salam
Oh Allah, the Source of Peace, on this fifth day of Ramadan, we seek refuge in You, the Source of Peace, from all forms of discord and conflict. Grant us inner peace that transcends worldly troubles, and inspire us to spread peace and harmony wherever we go. Help us resolve conflicts with compassion and understanding, fostering unity among our communities. Amen.

Do: Strive for inner peace and spread peace to others.

Don't: Create discord or sow hatred.


Day 6: Al-Mu'min 

Oh Allah, The Guardian of Faith, on this sixth day of Ramadan, instill in us a deep sense of trust and reliance on You. Strengthen our faith so that it becomes a shield against doubt and despair. Guide us to uphold the principles of faith in our daily lives, seeking Your protection and guidance in every step we take. Amen.

Do: Trust in Allah's plan and seek refuge in Him during hardships.

Don't: Succumb to doubt or despair in difficult times.

Day 7: Al-Aziz 

Oh Allah, The Almighty, on this seventh day of Ramadan, remind us of Your ultimate power and sovereignty over all things. Grant us the humility to recognize our limitations and the strength to overcome challenges with Your help. May Your almighty presence fill our hearts with courage and resilience. Amen.

Do: Face challenges with confidence, knowing Allah's power is with you.

Don't: Rely solely on your own strength and neglect seeking Allah's assistance.

Day 8: Al-Muhyi

Oh Allah, The Giver of Life, on this eighth day of Ramadan, we recognize You as the Giver of Life, who brings forth life from the void and sustains all living beings. Grant us vitality and energy to fulfill our duties during this blessed month. Fill our hearts with the zeal to seek closeness to You through worship and good deeds. May You breathe life into our souls, renewing our faith and devotion. Amen.

Do: Engage in acts of worship with energy and enthusiasm.

Don't: Waste time on frivolous pursuits that drain our energy and focus.

Day 9: Al-Mumit

Oh Allah, The Taker of Life, on this ninth day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the Taker of Life, who decrees the appointed time for each soul to return to You. Grant us the awareness of the fleeting nature of life and inspire us to make the most of our time in this world. Help us prepare for the inevitable journey back to You by leading lives of righteousness and piety. Amen.

Do: Reflect on the transient nature of life and prioritize actions that have lasting value.

Don't: Procrastinate or neglect our duties towards Allah and others.

Day 10: Al-Hayy

Oh Allah, The Ever-Living, on this tenth day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the Ever-Living, who sustains all existence eternally. Grant us the awareness of Your perpetual presence in our lives, filling our hearts with hope and trust in Your mercy. Help us live each moment with consciousness of Your divine presence, seeking to draw nearer to You in all that we do. Amen.

Do: Reflect on the eternal nature of Allah's existence and seek closeness to Him.

Don't: Allow despair or hopelessness to overshadow our faith in Allah's eternal mercy.

Day 11: Al-Qayyum

Oh Allah, The Self-Subsisting, on this eleventh day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the Self-Subsisting, who sustains all creation without need for any support. Grant us the understanding that our reliance should be solely upon You, the One who never fails. Help us turn to You in times of need, trusting in Your provision and care for us. Amen.

Do: Depend on Allah for all our needs, both spiritual and worldly.

Don't: Place our trust in worldly means alone, neglecting our reliance on Allah.

Day 12: Al-Wahid (The One)

Oh Allah, on this twelfth day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the One, without any partners or equals. Grant us the sincerity to worship You alone, without associating any partners with You in our hearts. Help us recognize Your oneness in all aspects of our lives, guiding us to unity and harmony in our thoughts and actions. Amen.

Do: Worship Allah with sincerity and devotion, recognizing His oneness.

Don't: Allow anything or anyone to distract us from our exclusive devotion to Allah.

Day 13: Al-Ahad (The Unique)

Oh Allah, on this thirteenth day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the Unique, incomparable in Your attributes and essence. Grant us the understanding to appreciate Your unmatched greatness and the humility to submit to Your divine will. Help us recognize Your uniqueness in all aspects of creation, guiding us to worship You with reverence and awe. Amen.

Do: Reflect on the incomparable greatness of Allah and submit to His will.

Don't: Compare Allah to anything in creation or attribute partners to Him.

Day 14: As-Samad (The Eternal)

Oh Allah, on this fourteenth day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the Eternal, existing before all else and remaining after all else fades away. Grant us the wisdom to prioritize eternal pursuits over fleeting pleasures, investing our time and energy in actions that bring us closer to You. Help us build our lives on the foundation of Your eternal truth, seeking Your pleasure above all else. Amen.

Do: Invest in actions and deeds with eternal rewards.

Don't: Chase after temporary pleasures that distract us from our ultimate purpose.

Day 15: Al-Qadir (The All-Powerful)

Oh Allah, on this fifteenth day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the All-Powerful, with authority over all things. Grant us the strength to overcome our weaknesses and the resilience to face life's challenges with courage. Help us recognize Your power at work in our lives, trusting in Your ability to guide and protect us. Amen.

Do: Trust in Allah's power to help us overcome obstacles and challenges.

Don't: Succumb to despair or hopelessness, forgetting Allah's limitless power and support.

Day 16: Al-Muqtadir (The Omnipotent)

Oh Allah, on this sixteenth day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the Omnipotent, possessing unlimited power and authority. Grant us the strength to surrender to Your will completely, trusting in Your wisdom and mercy. Help us recognize Your power at work in our lives, guiding us towards paths of righteousness and goodness. Amen.

Do: Surrender to Allah's will with trust and obedience.

Don't: Rely solely on our own limited strength and abilities.

Day 17: Al-Muqaddim (The Expediter)

Oh Allah, on this seventeenth day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the Expediter, who advances what He wills and delays what He wills. Grant us patience and contentment with Your divine timing, knowing that You have perfect knowledge of what is best for us. Help us trust in Your plans, even when they differ from our own desires. Amen.

Do: Trust in Allah's timing and accept His decree with patience.

Don't: Rush or become impatient with the unfolding of events.

Day 18: Al-Mu'akhkhir (The Delayer)

Oh Allah, on this eighteenth day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the Delayer, who delays what He wills according to His wisdom. Grant us the wisdom to recognize the lessons in delays and setbacks, trusting that they serve a greater purpose in Your divine plan. Help us remain steadfast in faith and patience during times of delay. Amen.

Do: Seek wisdom and lessons in delays and setbacks.

Don't: Lose hope or become disheartened by delays in our plans.

Day 19: Al-Awwal 

Oh Allah, The First, on this nineteenth day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the First, existing before all else and without beginning. Grant us the wisdom to prioritize You above all else in our lives, recognizing Your eternal presence and primacy. Help us seek You as our ultimate source of guidance and support in all that we do. Amen.

Do: Prioritize Allah as the foremost in our lives.

Don't: Allow anything or anyone to take precedence over our devotion to Allah.

Day 20: Al-Akhir

Oh Allah, The Last, on this twentieth day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the Last, existing after all else and without end. Grant us the understanding that all worldly pursuits are transient, while Your eternal presence remains constant. Help us invest our time and efforts in actions that bring us closer to You, seeking eternal rewards in Your pleasure. Amen.

Do: Focus on actions that have lasting value in the Hereafter.

Don't: Chase after temporary worldly gains that distract us from our ultimate purpose.

Day 21: Az-Zahir

Oh Allah, The Manifest, on this twenty-first day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the Manifest, whose signs and attributes are evident in all creation. Grant us the insight to recognize Your presence in the world around us, illuminating our hearts with Your divine light. Help us seek guidance from Your manifest signs, leading us towards paths of righteousness and truth. Amen.

Do: Reflect on the signs of Allah's presence in the world.

Don't: Become heedless or blind to the manifestations of Allah's signs.


Day 22: Al-Batin

Oh Allah, The Hidden, on this twenty-second day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the Hidden, whose wisdom and plans often elude our limited understanding. Grant us the patience and trust to accept that Your ways are beyond our comprehension. Help us surrender to Your hidden wisdom, knowing that You always have what's best for us, even when it's not apparent to us. Amen.

Do: Trust in Allah's hidden wisdom and plans.

Don't: Become frustrated or lose faith when we cannot understand Allah's ways.

Day 23: Al-Wali

Oh Allah, The Protector, on this twenty-third day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the Protector, who safeguards us from harm and guides us through life's trials. Grant us the awareness of Your constant protection and guidance in our lives, filling us with gratitude and trust in Your divine care. Help us seek refuge in Your protection, knowing that You are always watching over us. Amen.

Do: Seek Allah's protection and guidance in all aspects of life.

Don't: Rely solely on our own strength and abilities, neglecting to seek Allah's protection.

Day 24: Al-Muta'ali

Oh Allah, The Most High, on this twenty-fourth day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the Most High, above all creation and beyond comparison. Grant us the humility to recognize Your lofty status and the reverence to worship You with sincerity and awe. Help us raise our hearts and minds to Your exalted presence, seeking to draw closer to You in every moment. Amen.

Do: Worship Allah with humility and reverence, acknowledging His exalted status.

Don't: Arrogantly elevate ourselves or anything else above Allah.

Day 25: Al-Barr

Oh Allah, The Most Kind and Righteous, on this twenty-fifth day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the Most Kind and Righteous, whose mercy encompasses all of creation. Grant us the ability to emulate Your kindness and righteousness in our interactions with others. Help us show compassion and generosity towards those in need, reflecting Your divine attributes in our deeds. Amen.

Do: Show kindness, compassion, and righteousness in all our actions.

Don't: Act with cruelty or injustice towards others.

Day 26: At-Tawwab

Oh Allah, The Acceptor of Repentance, on this twenty-sixth day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the Acceptor of Repentance, who forgives our sins and welcomes us back into Your grace. Grant us the humility to acknowledge our faults and the sincerity to seek Your forgiveness. Help us turn to You in repentance, knowing that Your mercy is vast and Your forgiveness is abundant. Amen.

Do: Repent sincerely for our sins and seek forgiveness from Allah.

Don't: Persist in sinful behavior or despair of Allah's mercy.

Day 27: Al-Muntaqim 

Oh Allah, our avenger, on this twenty-seventh day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the Avenger, who ensures justice for all. Grant us the patience to endure injustices with trust in Your ultimate justice. Help us seek justice through lawful means, while also forgiving those who wrong us, knowing that You are the ultimate judge. Amen.

Do: Seek justice through lawful means and trust in Allah's ultimate justice.

Don't: Seek revenge or engage in vigilantism.


Day 28: Al-Afuww

Oh Allah, our pardoner, on this twenty-eighth day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the Pardoner, who forgives our sins and wipes away our transgressions. Grant us the humility to seek Your forgiveness sincerely, recognizing our shortcomings and faults. Help us strive to be better and to turn to You in repentance, knowing that Your mercy is vast and Your forgiveness is limitless. Amen.

Do: Seek forgiveness sincerely and strive to improve ourselves.

Don't: Allow guilt or shame to prevent us from seeking Allah's forgiveness.

Day 29: Ar-Ra'uf

Oh Allah, the compassionate, on this twenty-ninth day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the Compassionate, whose mercy encompasses all things. Grant us the ability to show compassion and empathy towards others, reflecting Your divine attributes in our actions. Help us extend kindness and understanding to those in need, spreading Your compassion throughout the world. Amen.

Do: Show compassion and empathy towards others.

Don't: Be indifferent or callous to the suffering of others.

Day 30: Al-Muhsin

Oh Allah, our benefactor, on this thirtieth day of Ramadan, we acknowledge You as the Benefactor, who bestows countless blessings upon us. Grant us gratitude for Your blessings and the ability to use them for the betterment of ourselves and others. Help us recognize the goodness in all that You provide and inspire us to be instruments of goodness in the world. Amen.

Do: Express gratitude for Allah's blessings and strive to be a source of good in the world.

Don't: Take Allah's blessings for granted or misuse them for selfish gain.

Additional Prayers for you


Oh Allah, our guardian of faith as we conclude this blessed month of Ramadan, strengthen our faith and resolve to continue the good deeds we've cultivated. Protect our hearts from doubts and strengthen our connection with You. Grant us the guidance to walk the path of righteousness and keep our faith unwavering until we meet You. Amen.

Do: Continue practicing the lessons learned during Ramadan.

Don't: Let go of the spiritual growth attained during this month.



Oh Allah, our guide, as we reach the end of this blessed month of Ramadan, we thank You for being our ultimate Guide. Guide us on the straight path even after Ramadan ends. Help us stay steadfast in our faith and actions, following Your guidance in every aspect of our lives. May You always be our guiding light. Amen.

Do: Seek guidance from Allah in all matters of life.

Don't: Stray from the path of righteousness and guidance provided by Allah.

May Allah accept our prayers, fasting, and good deeds during this Ramadan, and may He continue to guide and bless us throughout the year. Ameen.

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