New Song Kenya: Joyce Wa Mamaa ‘Gwathire Atia’

Joyce Wa Mamaa. Photo/Joyce Wa Mamaa/Instagram


By Kinyua Mwangi

It’s yet another new week and Kenya’s music scene is ablaze with a new song ‘Gwathire Atia’ from Benga artist Joyce Wa Mamaa.

Kikuyu secular music is not complete without Joyce Wa Mamaa in the mix. She is a pure talent and her latest song ‘Gwathire Atia’ (what happened) is pure bliss. Wa Mamaaa has a way of putting out her feelings of love and on this one, she wonders ‘what happened?’

She can’t get over the man she once loved and nothing makes any sense to her anymore. For love alone and knowing it flew away, she is very unproductive and she is in denial. While she is yet to move on with her life, her ex-lover seemingly moved on and is living his dream.

Thus, she asks ‘what happened’ because all she ever knew was love and not heartbreak.

Wa Mamaa reigns supreme in the world of Benga music, a vibrant Kenyan genre with energetic guitar riffs, pulsating drums, and infectious melodies. She infuses traditional Benga with modern elements, keeping it fresh yet rooted in its cultural heritage.

Her voice is an instrument in itself. Soaring and soulful, it carries stories of love, loss, societal issues, and cultural pride. With her powerful vocals, she connects deeply with her audience, inciting singalongs and emotional responses.

Wa Mamaa’s lyrical storytelling leaves you clamouring for more. Her lyrics, often in Kikuyu language, tackle social issues like women's empowerment, family values, and love.

She blends personal narratives with broader themes, resonating with audiences on multiple levels.

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