Female gospel rapper sets pace with new track

After making an appearance in one of the most talked about gospel remixes currently in the music scene ‘champion Knockout’ by Christ Cycoz, female gospel rapper/singer Dee is giving fans a taste of what she has up her sleeve with a new collaboration in which she features 'niko na reason' star Holy Dave.

The song which is titled ‘Wanna Be’ basically talks about how as a Christian people refer to individuals who have given their life to Christ as wanna be’s but she then turns this into a positive by stating even though they may call her a wanna be its all good because her mission is just to be like God’

Dee currently maintains a record as one of the only current female gospel rappers in the gospel music scene and based on the fact that she’s ventured into an in competitive genre, it is safe to say that she will soon be riding high for her prowess and skill in hip hop and become top of the gospel scene for it.

It’s quite interesting to see the growth and progression of the gospel music scene in Kenya since it has been on its way up over the recent years let’s wait and see how massive it continues to expand.

You can download the Champion Knockout straight to your phone by following the link below.

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