NEW VIDEO: It Doesn't Get Any More Inspiring Than This! Juliani With 'One Day'

“Don't quit. Never give up trying to build the world you can see, even if others can't see it. Listen to your drum and your drum only. It's the one that makes the sweetest sound.” My mom would always calm me with these words from time to time. Of course I didn’t fully understand what they meant but with maturity they became my anthem, and Kenyan artist, rap guru and gospel act Juliani wishes to spread the same knowledge to the entire world via his new video, “One Day”, off his third studio album ‘Exponential Potential’.

He takes the message of always fighting the good fight, waking up, dusting yourself and soldiering on, with the image of a young Maasai boy who learns the origami trick of making a paper plane, painting the imagery of dreams being limitless to even those who seem to have the least chances; everyone has the ability to fly and ‘One Day’ that boy will fly.




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