Wezi Heartsound Dedicates Her Debut EP ‘Uhai’ to African Children

[Photo Credit: Zed Gossip]

By Kinyua Mwangi

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Zambian RnB songstress Wezi Heartsound has dedicated her EP ‘Uhai’ to the African child. ‘Uhai’ is a Swahili word meaning ‘Life’. She recently recalled that though the EP was released six years ago, she is very concerned about the Zambian child and dedicates ‘Nyimbo Zako’ song from the EP to all children.

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“I dedicate my first studio compilation, the EP titled Uhai which is ‘life’ in Swahili to the African child. The song Nyimbo Zako is an encouragement to children in Zambia and Africa! It’s track number 8 on the EP and another song titled ‘Love reign’ particularly talks about street kids here in Zambia and in Africa, it features children from Africa directions (Mutendere). This music was released in 2016 but it’s still available on every major online store worldwide,” she posted on Instagram.

She said that she has been reflecting on things happening in Zambia and her heart bleeds for the children. She recalled a case where a young child was allegedly shot dead by a police officer. Wezi says people should stand up for the rights of the children and protect them.

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“Today I’d like to reflect on the life of Frank Mugala also from Chazanga, a child who was slain by a bullet from the police last year! No child should lose their life to police brutality or any injustice for that matter... His legacy for me is to inspire each and everyone of us to protect children in Zambia! Furthermore, so many other children have suffered different types of abuse and others may even be living under inexplicably inhuman conditions.”

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