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Mdundo News is now calling anyone in any country across Africa to share music entertainment articles. Telling your own story is refreshing and limits room for misinformation. 

Mdundo News is dedicated to documenting everything African music has to offer. We understand our music best, the inspiration behind modern sounds and its evolution.  In future we hope musicians and and music lovers will understand history, relate to similarly talented artists in the past and even seek inspiration for their creation.

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Accolades, recogognition and tributes will soon become synonymous to the African experience and culture. Artists are doing a great job with collaboarations, to travesrse cultural boarders and we believe, we can be part of making African ONE. Music is the only aspect of life that has never been limited by language barriers. 

African music has recently gained massive popularity with the world recognizing sounds such as Afrobeat, Amapiano, Bongo just to mention a few. As much as Mdundo News team is working around the clock to ensure all our stories are told, Africa is rich in cultural diversity and there is definitely some we might miss out on. 

Also Read: 'Gengetone', Top Trending Music Genre in Kenya Explained

This is where you come in... Tell us about your music, your artists, your music events, your music culture; even your fresh perspective on an already existing event. 

Our team is diverse and language is not a limitation. Send your story in Arabic, Portuguese, French, Kiswahili, English...We take pride in our diversity. 

Excited to start? Submit you story HERE

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