NEW MUSIC: Tone Up Kenyans, There's A New Band In Town!

Ever listened to as song so good that, you actually froze in a moment in time where you actually lack awareness of everything else around you apart from what is in your ears? A pocket hole in time, short of all senses apart from auditory ones. This is how I describe the first time I listened to ‘North’, a song by the new cool kids in town, Mankind.

Image Courtesy Of Mankind

 “Is this song Kenyan?” this was the first question my euphoric mind could formulate. Well, for one, they don’t sound Kenyan at all, in terms of production and the vocals are just too clean! Forgive me if I sound like a ‘hater’ of the Kenyan content, but we are a number of light years away from making satisfactory music. This guys however, made me swallow these words with their debut song; ‘North’.

What the group of six described as Urban pop has the vocal chords of an artist by the name M.A.N.E, who makes any singer want to ask for an extra tonsil! He sings with this subtle voice garnished with eloquent voice range and tone that gives the urge to want to sing along to the song.

M.A.N.E and I made North three years ago back in high-school. We weren’t quite sure if Kenya was ready for this kind of music so this is what you would call a sample of what we have in store.” Stated Nomad, the group’s rapper.

I keep reminding people that an editorial in rhyme is not a song. A good song makes you laugh, it makes you cry, it makes you think. And as much as you’re genuine on your composition, make it sound good and appealing, otherwise a singer can sing his/her heart out but sound like they’re simply complaining.

Download the complimentary version of ‘North’ by clicking HERE and get to have a feel of the new generation of Kenyan music. Conscious, adept and tonic. If our music is headed anywhere, it’s North!   


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