CHARTS: A Ben Mbatha Takeover and Ethic Rise to The Throne

The #MdundoTop10Weekly has taken an interesting twist lately. Ben Mbatha whose ‘Kativui 4 Latest’ was a conspicuous turn on the charts last week, this week introduces his ‘Ngaati Sukalini’ to position 6 on the charts. 

The Kamba sensation seems to have swept through; known for his infectious lyrical prowess and signature energetic dance moves. There hasn’t been an outstanding event to attribute this sudden rise too. It could just be a good vibe spreading. 

In the spirit of making big moves, Ethic’s ‘Figa’ uploaded on Mdundo just about a week ago; now majestically sits at position 2 on the charts. Proving to be unstoppable. They now hold 5 positions on Mdundo Top 10 Weekly with their three latest ‘Figa’, ‘Fyeka’ and ‘Pandana’ scooping up number 1 to 3. 

These major shift has seen veteran chart survivors ‘Iokote’ by Maua Sama and ‘Marathon Runner’ by Nyashinski finally leave the charts. 

It only gets better by the week. Ethic don’t seem to be backing down soon and Ben is sure determined to keep sweeping your airwaves clean. 

Download Ethic and Ben Mbatha Music for FREE on Mdundo

This week on Mdundo Top 10 Weekly:

  1. Fyeka - Ethic
  2. Figa - Ethic
  3. Pandana - Ethic
  4. Hallelujah - Willy Paul Ft. Nandy
  5. Mmmh - Willy Paul ft Rayvanny
  6. Ngaati Sukalini - Ben Mbatha
  7. Instagram - Ethic
  8. Kativui 4 Latest - Ben Mbatha
  9. Washa - Barnaba
  10. Saba - Ethic


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