Song Title: Wocha
Artists: Bantu Clan (Buka Chimey & Kendie Lava Kudzie) X JAQ Deweyi X Tushi Polo
Producer: Mukalazi David
Duration: 4:41
BPM: 115
Record Label: Bantu Productions Uganda
Instruments: Buko Bright “Rhythm Guitar”
Artwork: Tkay 15 “Tonny Kawooya”
Mastered By: Mukalazi David & Rasto Pro

Wocha is love story about this guy who in search of a better life leaves town. When he returns, not only has he lost the little he left behind, but he has lost his many lovers too.

What does he do?

He goes back to them one by one but none of them wants to listen to what he has to say, much as he tries to convince them that he had to do what he had to do so they could have a better future…

Moral of the story...

1. When a woman is fed up, no matter how you beg, nothing you can do about it.
2. For when a woman is left too much alone, sooner or later she begins to think; And no man knows what then she may discover
3. A Good woman can only take so much. Don't underestimate her desire to be happy even if it means moving on without you...
4. As a girl I am weak, as a woman I am strong and determined to never bow my head to wrong...
5. When you chase someone for so long, eventually your legs get tired and you get fed up. That's when you know it’s time to move on...
6. In every relationship if communication is not key then the silence will always be misunderstood.

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