UGANDA:I Want A Man Who Is Not After Sex!! - Winnie Nwagi
23 March 2016
Winnie Nwagi of the ''katono katono'' fame, has one of the finnest body's in uganda and also East Africa at that, whenever she goes anywhere, she turns heads and makes men have fantasies beyond their wildest dreams due to the fact that she is dripping gorgeous from head to toe!
Shockingly to the disbelief of our ears, she happened to break up with a mystery ''man'' she was dating a few weeks ago and men have taken it upon themselves to accost her on facebook and other social media platforms all promising heaven and earth just to be with her but she is strong and wont be swayed by anything big since she as been there and done it all and she still stands by her word when she said;
Some men are very mean and selfish when it comes to good things they want to get and acquire for themselves and some of them are applying relentless pressure on the sexy bombshell who doesnt seem to be moved at all.
Winnie Nwagi
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