Not many people know the minds behind the formation of the now powerful Kenya national union of musicians - KENUM which is getting national recognition for its efforts to streamline the Kenyan music industry. Influx Swagga sits at the center of the formation of KENUM. Influx has been a performing artiste for twenty years now and a recording artiste for eleven years and puts it across that he perfectly understands why the Kenyan music industry has been under performing since the year 2006.
He had tested the impacts of the giant he was trying to create during MSCK elections earlier in the year when he spearheaded a campaign to remove existing directors across the country and managed to remove at least 70%. “After identifying the gaps and needs in a research I contacted in 2014, I tested the impacts and the conclusion was positive. I then Involved other light minded artistes, Who in turn involved others because they all felt that the hustle was 100% real and the industry should have been performing better. They then mobilized the first meeting in Tribeka, Nairobi” He explains. Influx promised to take Kamp and Prisk the same root if the directors don’t embrace the swiping changes in the Kenyan music industry. “If they don’t change with the change, I promise that the change will change them and there is nothing they can do about it, because the options are the same” he adds.

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