It is about one month to our first Anniversary Celebrations dubbed the ((((((The Grace Fest Worship experience))))).
This will be day of absolute worship to our to God for what he has done for us in the past one year of tilling his vine yard.
After discussing the event with the leadership of my church I have been given a go a head to host the event on 22/11/15 it is exactly the same time when we launched this fellowship last year.
It will be a great day for me as I will also be raise the funds for the video shooting of my album "You are wotthy".
As the bible says that what is imposible with man is posible with God, I forsee a great destiny a head.
Many souls will come to the Lord through this ministry,great mirracles are yet to happen through this Evangelistic ministry as the Lord fight us and releases his glory upon his work.
I appreciate those who have been part of this ministry since it's inception.I also welcome those who wants to part of this viable team of Apostles for the work of God.If one can chase a thousand then of many can we chase when are hundrends of as PENTECOSTAL GRACE NETWORK family?
If you have never attended our meetings before kindly make an attempt to do so and your life willnl never remain the same again. It is about one month to our first Anniversary Celebrations dubbed the ((((((The Grace Fest Worship experience))))).
This will be day of absolute worship to our to God for what he has done for us in the past one year of tilling his vine yard.
After discussing the event with the leadership of my church I have been given a go a head to host the event on 22/11/15 it is exactly the same time when we launched this fellowship last year.
It will be a great day for me as I will also be raise the funds for the video shooting of my album "You are wotthy".
As the bible says that what is imposible with man is posible with God, I forsee a great destiny a head.
Many souls will come to the Lord through this ministry,great mirracles are yet to happen through this Evangelistic ministry as the Lord fight us and releases his glory upon his work.
I appreciate those who have been part of this ministry since it's inception.I also welcome those who wants to part of this viable team of Apostles for the work of God.If one can chase a thousand then of many can we chase when are hundrends of as PENTECOSTAL GRACE NETWORK family?
If you have never attended our meetings before kindly make an attempt to do so and your life will never remain the same again.


Evangelist Geff Jabiyaa

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