"I wasn't born this way" A married father of four justifies his womanly lifestyle.

[Image Source: BBC]

Written by Shalom Umoh

"I wasn't born this way" A married father of four justifies his womanly lifestyle.

A 45-year-old married father of four who dresses and lives like a woman has said that he was not born a woman but was forced to gradually transition due to unforeseen circumstances.

Burundian Samuel Minani, popularly known as Baby, told Afrimax TV that although he is a fully grown male, he decided to live and look like a woman roughly 25 years ago to avoid being killed.

"This is not how I was born. I gradually altered," he stated

He claimed that while criminals in his nation were robbing men of their rights during a civil war, he decided to present himself as a woman.

"I felt a voice inside of me asking me to dress like a lady. Then, one day, when they searched for the head of the household, the offenders knocked on my door. However, I informed them that the house was inhabited solely by women, and upon searching it, they were unable to locate the male and departed.

He acknowledged that, despite his masculine appearance, some mistakenly believed he was a woman.

The pair claimed that although they initially received criticism, they eventually adapted to their way of life.

"Physically, I'm a man, but mentally I am a woman," Baby stated.

Irambona Denyse, Baby's wife, has denied rumors that she and her husband are homosexuals, claiming that her husband is macho, has all the characteristics of a man, and fulfills her, even in bed.

To support her husband, Denyse argued, "That is why we have a big family."

Because they both wear feminine clothing, the woman claimed that their lifestyle has allowed them to save money on their wardrobe.

No one has personal clothing because everyone dresses alike. Everyone dresses any way they choose," she continued.


[Image Source: BBC]

Written by Shalom Umoh

A 70-year-old woman gives birth to twins

Safina Namukwaya, a 70-year-old Ugandan mother, gave birth to a boy and a girl, making her the oldest woman in Africa to do so.

According to a Thursday BBC report, she underwent in vitro fertilization to become pregnant.

The story states that on Wednesday, at the Women's Hospital International and Fertility Centre in Kampala, Uganda's capital, Namukwaya underwent a successful cesarean delivery.

The hospital announced the birth on its Facebook page on Wednesday. "70-year-old Safina Namukwaya, speaking just before the delivery of her beautiful babies," the post said. Indeed, she gave birth to a boy and a girl. It is undoubtedly a historic accomplishment.

We encourage you to join us in celebrating this brave woman and hoping for the twins' healthy development. This narrative explores the resiliency and tenacity of the human spirit rather than only focusing on medical achievement.

In addition, Namukwaya disclosed to a privately held NTV channel that the 2020 birth was her second child delivered in three years.

She talked about the many challenges she encountered during the pregnancy, including the father of the children's desertion.

Men find it offensive to be informed that they are expecting multiple children. "My man has never shown up since I was admitted here," Namukwaya remarked.

She went on to say that she was glad to have the children, despite years of facing stigma and mockery for being childless, and that she did not know how she would manage to raise them.

She remembered being heckled by a very small youngster who claimed that her mother had cursed her to die childless.

[Image Source: RFI]

Written by Shalom Umoh 

Senegal: After a hunger strike, opposition leader Sonko regains consciousness


Ousmane Sonko, the opposition leader from Senegal who has been detained and is on a hunger strike, reportedly came out of a coma on Monday, according to one of his attorneys.

Juan Bronco said he is still "very weak" and in serious condition on the BBC's Newsday program.

Sonko has been embroiled in several legal proceedings for the past two years.

After being found not guilty of the rape charges against him during his June trial, he was sentenced to two years in prison for "corrupting youth."

A massage therapist's allegations led the court to conclude that he had acted immorally against someone under the age of twenty-one.

In July, he was taken into custody and imprisoned on charges of encouraging revolt, among other offenses. Furthermore, his party, the Patriots of Senegal, was dissolved.
Sonko claimed that the charges against him and his associates were politically motivated to prevent him from running for president the following year, but the authorities have denied this.
Bronco claimed that although his client had attempted two hunger strikes to gain his release, they had "weakened him," and as a result, he would remain in the hospital.

Bronco declared earlier this week that "it's very uncertain that he will maintain his consciousness."


[Lindalkeji Blog]

Written by Shalom Umoh

Reno Omokri: The Reasons Married Men Cheat.

Reno Omokri, a former presidential advisor, has addressed the question of why married men infidelity on Twitter.

He says that infidelity has more to do with desire than it does with beauty.

"My fans have questioned me several times, wanting to know why married men cheat.

"I think libido has more to do with cheating than it does with beauty."

"If married men are compelled to cheat because of a woman's beauty, what do you say about blind men who cheat despite being unable to see beauty?" Omokri posted a tweet.

He cited the late, great musician Ray Charles as an example, who, despite being blind, deceived people on several occasions.

He went on to say that nothing but castration or polygamy can keep a cheat in check, so even prayer and fasting might not be enough to stop one.

Ray Charles, the great musician, was blind, yet he cheated.

"Really. I'm not even sure if fasting and prayer can catch a cheater.

"Because nothing but castration or polygamy can keep him in check if his libido cannot be satisfied by one woman.


[Image Source: WikiHow]

Written by Shalom Umoh

How To Attract The Woman Of Your Dreams In Five Easy Steps

If you're a guy and you're still single, you probably spend more time thinking about getting a partner than you do going out and getting one.

It's time to fulfill your aspirations and stop putting things off.

Finding the perfect spouse will define your future if you intend to settle down with them, even though finding a suitable companion is never easy.

1. Have A Stylistic And Fashion Focus

Making a big impact on your ability to attract women could be as simple as updating your outfit and appearance.

It might be anything more substantial, like becoming in better shape, or something as straightforward as getting a new haircut.

Wear fitted shirts more often than loose sweatshirts.

2. Since it's lame, there's no need for corny pick-up lines

It's not a good idea to approach a woman and try to seem smart, despite what you may have learned from movies or self-described pickup artists.

It does seem a bit unsettling at times.

Never give her beauty compliments. Furthermore, do not even think of telling her what you will be making her for breakfast!

Say "hello" and ask her harmless questions about herself to continue the discussion if she appears pleasant.

3. Determine The Kind Of Woman You Desire

Choose to date women who truly show interest in you, rather than just any woman with a pulse.
Goating after women who aren't interested in you is a sign of desperation and never succeeds over time.
If you want the relationship to last, attraction and chemistry are still important, but you don't want to have unrealistic expectations.

4. Fun Date

Dating is a very serious endeavor! Is it, though? Even if there is a lot on the line, you shouldn't place too much pressure on your date or yourself.

Enjoy yourselves and don't consider it a "marriage or bust" situation. Just have fun.

5. Let Go of the Past
In actuality, there's a chance that falling in love will leave you heartbroken.

This is the current state of affairs. However, you must not allow your fear to prevent you from looking for love.

Rather than wallowing in the anguish of former relationships, let them fortify you as you pursue your next connection.

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