My Father Never Supported My Music Career - Kuami Eugene



[Kuami Eugene/Earmilk]

Written by Pharis Kinyua

Kuami Eugene, an acclaimed Ghanaian musician known for chart-toppers like "Angela," recently revealed a personal journey that resonates with many aspiring artists—his father never supported his music career. This is the story of a young artist's relentless pursuit of his dreams, a father's unyielding skepticism, and a tale of sweet reconciliation.

Eugene's passion for music ignited early in his life, an ember that promised to blaze into a remarkable career. But the symphony of his dreams did not find harmony in his father's heart. His father, stern and resolute, did not share his enthusiasm for the rhythmic world of melodies. His determination to pursue his musical destiny eventually led him to leave his father's home when he was just 18 years old.

"He [Kuami Eugene's father] wasn't for it [music] at all. I had to leave home at age 18, though because it wasn't good living with him and doing music. It wasn't working at all," the artist revealed in an interview with 3Entertainment.

Kuami Eugene's father was a staunch critic of his music, at times resorting to actions that hindered his son's creative journey. "The vibe wasn't there. Anytime I upped the volume past a certain amount, he would just come and unplug everything, the whole machine because he didn't like it at all," Eugene recalled.

Despite the lack of support from his father, the budding artist refused to relinquish his dream. Instead, he used his father's skepticism as fuel to prove him wrong. He understood that the journey to success was a challenging one, but he was determined to emerge victorious.

It was the hit song "Angela" that marked a turning point in their relationship. The song not only catapulted him to stardom but also caught his father's attention.

"I think he started buying into the whole music idea after I recorded 'Angela.' That was when I bought my first car, and he realized that he could do something better with me, then all of a sudden he started giving me music advice," the artist revealed.

Their relationship began to mend as Kuami Eugene's career soared. As he enjoyed the fruits of his musical labor, he shared special moments with his father, creating cherished memories. "During his latter days, we shared some moments that I cherish so much even though he wasn't for the music thing, and I will never forget," he noted.

The story of Kuami Eugene and his father's strained relationship serves as a poignant reminder of the hurdles many artists face when pursuing their dreams. It also exemplifies the resilience that fuels their unwavering determination to succeed. Kuami Eugene's journey is a testament to the fact that, sometimes, proving skeptics wrong is the greatest motivation one can have.

In his music, Eugene captures the essence of his unique experiences and emotions. His songs, now resonating with countless fans, tell a story that transcends the confines of his personal life, offering solace and inspiration to those who have faced similar opposition in their pursuit of passion.

His father may not have understood the music that shaped his son's life, but in the end, it was music that rekindled their connection. Their story serves as a touching reminder that sometimes, even the most discordant notes can harmonize into a beautiful melody of understanding and love.

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