Mr. Eazi Story From Accidental Artist to Musical Maestro

[Mr Eazi/The Guardian Nigeria]

There are artists who are born to the stage, and then there's Mr. Eazi, who candidly admits he stumbled into the music industry by accident. It's a revelation that offers a refreshing glimpse into the unconventional path of one of the most successful and influential artists of our time.

Mr. Eazi, born Oluwatosin Ajibade, didn't have childhood dreams of becoming a musician. Instead, his journey into the music scene happened serendipitously, guided by a twist of fate rather than a lifelong passion. In an interview with media personality Angela Lee, Mr. Eazi opened up about his accidental foray into the music world and the rollercoaster ride it's been ever since.

The Nigerian singer, who also identifies as the owner of Zagadat Capital, an IT business, is a testament to the power of embracing unexpected opportunities. He recounted the moment he found himself at the crossroads of his music career, despite the dizzying heights of success he had already achieved.

The turning point for Mr. Eazi came when he performed at Coachella in 2019, one of the world's most prestigious music festivals. It should have been a euphoric moment for any artist, but for him, it was surprisingly devoid of emotion.

""Coachella's opening day was the first time I performed there, and when I exited the stage, I felt nothing. Absent joy. No melancholy,"" Mr. Eazi recalled. It was a stark realization for a man who had ascended to Coachella's grand stage just three years into his music journey.

""For someone who never aspired to be an artist, I'm performing at Coachella in my third year of my career, and I feel nothing,"" he mused. ""So, for me, it was a sign that I would either have to stop doing music or find another career. Because I needed to take a break or because it wasn't a healthy sensation to have. I could have been burned out.""

For an artist as dynamic and genre-defying as Mr. Eazi, burnout was a real and looming threat. His music has traversed the boundaries of Afrobeat, reggae, dancehall, and more, earning him a devoted global fanbase. The intensity of his journey took a toll, and it became evident that he needed a pause to reflect and rejuvenate.

When the world was struck by the pandemic, the pause Mr. Eazi needed arrived. It was a moment to reflect on his trajectory, to analyze his path, and to find a renewed sense of purpose. Mr. Eazi took this opportunity to examine how he could continue to thrive in an industry that had once felt like a burden.

He had already founded Empawa, an initiative aimed at supporting emerging artists, and he was deepening his understanding of the music industry. But even the act of listening to music began to wear him out. The irony of an artist, who had risen to stardom on the wings of his own melodies, struggling to find solace in his own craft was not lost on him.

Yet, from this moment of introspection came the wisdom to delegate. Mr. Eazi realized that to operate successfully within a field that was sapping his energy, he needed to lean on the strengths of his colleagues. In this newfound approach, he found equilibrium and regained his zest for music.

The revelation of Mr. Eazi's accidental entry into the music industry is not just a unique narrative; it's an embodiment of adaptability and resilience. His journey is a testament to the ever-changing nature of the music world and how an artist, even one who stumbles into it by chance, can rise to the pinnacle of success.

As he continues to explore uncharted musical horizons and discover new sounds, his journey from accidental artist to a musical maestro is far from over. It's a reminder that in the world of music, the path to greatness is as diverse as the melodies themselves. 

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