Maryanne Imani Launches "Freedom Lounge" - Healing and Liberation

Maryanne Imani, the versatile artist known for her inspirational music, has embarked on a groundbreaking endeavor with the launch of "Freedom Lounge." With the tagline " healing together" This transformative program aims to empower individuals who have faced challenging life journeys to heal, break free from their chains, and embrace newfound freedom. 

"Freedom Lounge" is a unique program where Maryanne leverages her current studies of counseling psychology at Daystar University,her background in media and as a gospel musician all in pursuit to fulfill purpose as per her inspiration in Isaiah 61:1. 

Watch Episode 1 

Freedom lounge guests volunteer to bravely allow us into their lives,share their stories authentically & unashamed,addressing deep emotional, psychological, spiritual, and physical wounds . Hoping to rewrite their stories in the new found freedom journey... Through which Maryanne hopes that the audience will be inspired & have hope in their own lives as they watch the show.

"Healing the broken child" JB Masanduku the road to self discovery is the first episode that was released on 8th October,A very touching and emotional story by JB. Maryanne explores various options for him to explore various parts of his life and dig deep into his childhood where it all begun.

The first episodes of " Freedom Lounge" breaks stereotypes by showcasing men who authentically and unashamedly seek freedom and healing, challenging the society norms .A new episode will be released every week and will also iinclude women. 

The inspiration for "Freedom Lounge" was drawn from Maryanne's hit single, #LordReign, which resonated deeply with people facing their own chains and seeking liberation. Realizing the genuine need for freedom, healing, and breaking chains, Maryanne saw the opportunity to create a space where transformation could happen beyond music.

About Maryanne Imani:
Maryanne Imani, born on February 7th, 1986, is a multi-talented individual known for her vibrant personality, love for God, and dedication to helping people. Her journey in music began at the age of 8, and since then, she has released songs that touch the human experience and the need for spirituality. In addition to her musical career, Maryanne is a successful entrepreneur, managing her own marketing company, Schatz Marketing Ltd. She is also pursuing a degree in Psychology & Counseling at Daystar University, with a vision to become a psychotherapist.

"Freedom Lounge" promises to be a life-changing experience, offering healing and liberation to those who have had enough and desire a brighter future. Don't miss the show which is on her YouTube Channel Maryanne Imani and join her on this incredible journey of transformation.

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