Yungpryncx Oycik biography

Yungpryncx Oycik
Yungpryncx Oycik's identical names are MASHIGE PFANO. He was born in South Africa, Limpopo province in the Vha-Venda tribe from a town called Shayandima in 28 APRIL 2001. Yungpryncx Oycik is a young Venda versatile independent artist and A songwriter, Before he became an Artist he loved music at a young age of 10 years in 2011 and he was inspired by other young artists such as Justin Bieber, He used to freestyle on downloaded beats from the internet with his friends at school, Then in 2013 he decided to record his first Audio (track) after his first record he continued recording more music not publishing then his first music publishing was in 2016. It wasn't easy for him to convince his everyone about his dream of being an artist especially his parents, He had to focus more on his studies so that he be able to continue with his music journey further, He had to record couple demos without publishing them, But because of the love of music he focused a lot on his dreams and on how he make his dream to be to be successful. Yungpryncx Oycik he had recorded about Thousands demos and still were not published (released). Ever since he started recording his music at HOSWA RECORDS in 2018, He learnt a lot from The Mîst HOSWA RECORDS's producer while he was recording he got a helpful music Totourial, he tried a lot to make his music sounds good to everyone's ears but still his deliverance,vocals mixing, Not publishing visuals together with marketing strategies kept him as an upcoming artist for years. In 2021 he purchased few beats from DKFOSHO the beat maker producer he started working harder from what he did before but he was still not good enough to blow up or he was unable to make it (unsuccessful), Yungpryncx Oycik believed on his self that he is going to make it and he can put Venda on the map, he Believes that he can Rap & Trap differently from others. His music contents are Touching with message , his music contents doesn't have age groups it's good and made for all hip hop listener to listen. He collaborated with many upcoming artists Such as Tribe Wyse, Lifebhoiså, Roddy Reedow,Tower power, sniper,maity motion, Viperine,jay eazy & many more. Yungpryncx Oycik is one of the best artists who can Rhymes, flow and bars. His Energy when he is recording made him sounds like a super star, he always have patient on journey to proceed further he believes that perseverance will provide something good on his journey because Good things takes time.
Catch him on all social media platforms as Yungpryncx Oycik

His YouTube channel:

#yungpryncx #Oycik

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