lxxvii sharpie & Rap Game

The Gang rapper took his famous as one of the Talented" because she occurred in a Rap game as a Teenager before the World begin to discover lxxvii sharpie from the street

even if you don't know him too much, although it's very hard for she to blow in this Rap game, according Forbes he has been making a lot in the Music Industrial overthrow

Many More Rapper's from the web still wonder how Sharpie appear to become an Opp Rapper across the Web without an end

Seventy Seven said that the Money she Made is a symbol which she has created" They fear me because I fear nothing

She has been complaining that they not call him for a show or concert unless she find it on it own

Some Fan's also criticize lxxvii sharpie" This is why he didn't have time for people because she need to gain a lot of Money within a Minute to Minutes just to survive

lxxvii sharpie is mad at this Music System because a lot of Money that she has spent as a superstar and also remain Truthful sometimes

I Sold everything I had and just to pursue my dream which will come through, This is what I get in a return?

She got so Many fan's at everywhere.....

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