GNL Zamba Advises Ugandan Gov’t How to Invest Covid-19 Relief Fund on Music Industry

[Photo Credit: GNL Zamba Instagram]

By Gloria

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Veteran rapper G.N.L Zamba has advised the Ugandan government to consider investing its Covid-19 artist’s relief fund on the music industry, rather than giving it to individual musicians.

Following a ban on shows and closure of entertainment joints for almost two years now due to the Covid-19 pandemic, most Ugandan artists have been complaining of tough living standards, as they have been unable to perform and earn revenue.

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In view of the above the government set aside a relief fund to cushion the artists against the effects of the pandemic. In the last two weeks, a section of artists visited key government officials seeking a share of the fund, only for them to be branded ‘beggars’ by a section of their colleagues.

In view of the above, GNL holds that the fund will be of more benefit if it is invested in the music industry; specifically on revenue generating institutions, rather than giving cash to individual artists.

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"It would be a better strategy to invest it in art schools and cultural institutions that will in turn fetch revenue from products generated from that investment. That way, the nation will rightfully tax what it invested in, it would have built a structure and a generation of artists that create with the intention of marketing the motherland.

“Music and entertainment technology generate a lot from taxing the arts they export to the rest of world.(Movies, songs, entertainment technology and product ads) It should be a long term investment in artistry that benefits multiple generations not just individual “beggars” or friends of the regime," he opined.

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