SUCCESS TIPS: How To Be Good In Your Music Career

1. Find your motivation - Getting good at something takes time and effort. You might also experience some setbacks along the way, that’s why it’s important that you find your motivation: it helps you go through the difficulties. Having a strong WHY is essential.

2. Know how to measure progress - To get good at something, you must know how good is measured. What are the metrics? How do you know that you are making progress? Knowing them will help you focus your effort.

 3. Learn from the winners -  Don’t waste your time with trial and error. Instead, find out how the winners do it. Who are the winners in your field? Learn from their experiences.

4. Practice -  It’s not enough just to know what to do; you must also apply it. Practice what you have learned and the more you do it, the better.

5. Take risks - To get good at something, you must take risks. Not taking risks means not growing. Don’t aim to be perfect. Why? Because you may get discouraged if you fail. Instead, aim to be the best that you can be. There is nothing to regret as long as you have done your best.

Article By: Pastor Peter

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