VIDEO REVIEW: Find Out Why People Are Split In Opinion Over This Video

Bongo artist popularly known for his fine-spun voice, emotion injected lyrics and his  debut track, ‘Kafia Ghetto’  which made him the name on most Bongo fan’s lips. With his dominating trend of finding a spot on the top music charts every now and then he was quick to release another new song, ‘Mimi Nawe’ a week ago, to maintain this reputation.

The video is way above the normal bar of standards with quality and scenery  where the video was short being described as nothing short of ‘Breathtaking’! In my opinion, this is one of those videos you can simply mute the audio and still enjoy it. This is what a few of the fans had to say on the ‘Mimi Nawe’ video:

“The first time I saw the video I almost thought I was watching a soap opera; the gardens, the houses and the slow motion effect, had me frozen in time for a minute. The song on the other hand is not something I would have on my playlist because it’s too low of a tone. Good work none the less” said a fan

“Four words; I am in love! With both the video and video vixen. She is what I would call the expression of quality over quantity. Hussein needed only one show girl, unlike the videos with innumerable girls but not worth the eye. I love the quality of the video and the smooth set up. The song for some reason has been ringing in my head all day long” added another

Image Courtesy Of Hussein Machozi

Others however did not share the same level of appreciation: “I bet he paid a tidy sum amount of cash for the video- which can be explained. But the song? The song is not worth such a good video. Sync did a good job but Hussein did a lousy piece; he must have been singing to himself. I don’t like it!”  elucidated a fan

“What makes artists think big houses and vixens will make them popular? Nigerian videos is suppose. Which is misleading- the video has no story line, plot or concept whatsoever! The song? Why is he whispering? I prefer the ‘Utapenda’ version of Hussein Machozi.” Quickly added another

There you have it. The people’s say seems to split shades of black and white; dislike and love. What is your take on the video? Watch it in the link above and give us your response.  


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