B Classic, Gigy Money Donate Foodstuff in Kibra

[Photo Credit:Clientele PR]

By Omondi Otieno

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Rising Kenyan star B Classic of Champion Studios over the weekend donated food stuffs to the less privileged in Katwikira and Kisumu Ndogo areas in Kibra constituency. 

B Classic was joined by Tanzanian celebrity Gigi Money and Simama Na Kibra founder - Refigah of Grandpa records in the door to door exercise that saw 278 households receive various food stuffs. 

Speaking during the drive, B Classic said, "I am grateful to God for everything that He has given to me, giving back to the community is just a way of showing my gratitude to God and putting a smile on the less privileged faces during this pandemic.”

Download B Classic Music for Free on Mdundo

B Classic recently launched his fourth song Dondosha and it is available on all digital platforms. 

The Kenyan melodious singer-songwriter B-classic is progressively building a niche as one of Kenya’s fast rising artistes to watch out for.

Born in Taveta as Dennis Manja, B Classic was raised by a guardian; a Somali Woman who took him in after being neglected by his mom at a tender age..

Dennis later went to Mombasa in search of greener pastures; his first job was a herdsman for 10months without pay, later he was lucky to get a job at a hotel. While in Mombasa a friend saw potential in him and nudged him to pursue music which he eventually did and the rest is a compelling story of an artist making his way in the industry.

B-classic has graced notable stages across East Africa with top acts such as; Sudi Boy, Ally B, Jua Cali among many stars. B classic is a multi-talented artiste whose song writing and arranging skills are evident in his works. 

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