Take me back

Take me back

J,j why is everything about J so fast
The way my heart got caught up in your phase , it was a blast
Please take me back
Take me back to your strings , the way you pull your dances of love
(Funny Chicky laugh) you're always speeding up the way you came into my life
It was fast
Picture this baby let me take you back
It was on Facebook , after chatting with Malambo
I decided to share a piece ,
A work of Art
Generated from the amazing black boy deep down inside my heart
Now ,5 months down the road , don't tell me you wanna give up ,
why so fast?
I don't wish to have too many names registered in my heart
Please stay cause you forever fit my missing part
It's never the madness in my love
It's the sweet humble chick In front of my eyes
The best the best the material bride
Remember those days we could talk let night
Video chatting ,
The times you'd get upset at me and still text me "goodnight "
Ahhh girl you're tight
You're so unmesureable , no size.The case is I miss all that ,
Please take me back
To those days we lived in love despite been apart
Ala nalikutemwa niwe chintelelwe chandi
Pali iwe akashana umo best man pabanandi
And I mean it like I have a bad heart
Check it (blow kiss)

Poetry1414 , #quarantinemoves#tilipoche
Poetry by Rison (Ali Banda) .

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