Meet Silas Miami, the exceptional singer who lives the art itself!!

It is said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. If so then artiste Silas Miami makes every artist he has done a rendition of their song even more than flattered!

A singer/ song writer, student and actor, he juggles the three like he was born and bred in a circus his entire life. I know little of his education, but the level of perfection he handles his acting and singing is astounding!

I discovered him through his first song, 'What We lost'. A powerful indulging song which made me even more curious to what more he offered. This is when I met some of his work one of Fena’s songs, “Brikicho”. This immediately thrusted me into a world where beautiful sound and remarkable voices run free. A place where one sings from the bottom of the heart with a voice wrapped in true emotion!

Image Courtesy of Silas Miami

He handles Fena Gitu's song with uttermost precision note after another making the song even more mellow and still a suitable song for the most powerful emotion that is, LOVE!

He has taken the pleasure of also doing a cover of Amileena’s “Mawazo” as well as Patricia Kihoro’s “Ngoma”. I don’t know if to go ahead and describe what these songs made me feel, because my words would be an understatement no matter how fancy I make them appear (which I happen to be exceptionally good at).

None the less, this young and rising star is simply what you need to listen to on a Tuesday evening. You tired from endless hours of paper work, handy tasks or simply burdened with the package that is life itself, then what you need is some Silas Miami in your ears.

Watch his cover of Fena’s “Brikicho” in the link below and also visit his Youtube Channel by clicking HERE


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