While most artists are switching to gospel, Seroney is going against the wave

Life is a constant battle of being and becoming. Who you were born to be and who you eventually turn out to be given the different conditions one grows up in.

The sober decisions we make and the simple mistakes we find ourselves neck deep in, all fill our life basket.

In the end, it all trickles down to choosing your own path if you wish to attain self happiness

Meet former Gospel artist turned secular, Serony, who despite all his previous success in gospel music chose to follow his intuition and passion by making music that he felt more connected to.

“I switched my audience because I felt that I was struggling to be who I am and trying to be like who I hanged around with; church community. And this being the Gospel industry, I honestly felt it was hypocrisy on my end”  shared the out-spoken artiste.

“I have a new track “Sexy Lady”, which is my debut single ever since the switch to secular music. It’s produced by Artish Pro and Swahili records. Fans everywhere should be ready to get a taste of rather artistic music with a dose of my personality.

Music cannot be real if the artist himself isn’t. So why don’t you jumpstart your Thursday morning with good music, by downloading “Sexy Lady” right here on Mdundo! 

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