EXCLUSIVE : Grandpa Records CEO Refigah Responds To Davido's Offensive Remarks On Kenyan Music!

After one of the poorest live music performances of the century, a perfromance so abominable, it infact may be the reason behind why the dinosaurs were wiped out, Davido, the same perpetrater of this act went on to say, '' Kenyan musician will never be better than Nigeria's even if they visit a witch doctor''

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These words are set to bring back Hiroshima memories once KOT, decides to play caped crusader and punish the owner of the words. But right before that, veteran music act, producer and CEO of Grandpa Records took the first swing at Davido:

''I would like to tell him Nigerian music doesn't have any future like a 1 nite stand. Their music can't stand test of time; it's a bubble gum music that does not go on for long. The silly alcoholic, should only thank Nigerian Government for the broadcast quota that has helped Nigerian music and movie industry big time.

He should concentrate on improving his stage performances before opening his stinking dirty mouth and talk about kenyan music! Our industry will be better than their's a million times, and a word of advice to Davido: he should join stage performance classes because his performance is below per. Watch this space once the music policy becomes law''

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As for me I am still to adjust to the fact that Davido had the nerve to mouth such, after his perfromance made my atheist mind believe in hell! I really hope they cremated the very stage Davido performed on.


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