BREAKING NEWS : Ambassador 4 Road Cam Jal Noo Hit Maker Is Dead

Panyimur Based Artist 4 Road, aged 38, married to aiza aizoo is dead
According to impeccable sources reveal that before 4 Road was killed, he had been a typical thief or a pickpocket Master-mind whose work led to shocks and deaths of people due to loss of their money in Panyimur market and accused of evil practices
4 Road had a magical egg which he used to write the names of Panyimur successful people progressing in their jobs to drop down to their exteme poverty and kill them as well ,for sacrifice to archive fame, power and wealth
However, 4 Road was reported to Kal Panyimur by his counterpart in the evil Dos after asking him to collect the footstep sand of his own blood brother
Later taken to Kal Panyimur where he accepted the accusation and expelled permanently away from Panyimur as a social outcast and given 1 week to collect his belongings and leave Panyimur forever
4 Road left Panyimur for his homeland Jupa Mula in DRC
1 month later, he ran as fast as he could to save his dearest life after leaving his brother Kenyan based bishop dead following a tight curse they had that they would never talk to each other because of a family issue, as a result, his brother died
Later , 4 Road ran away from his homeland to settle in Dei Border line , Kolokoto where he started planning for a revenge against the Kal Ker Kwonga elders who participated in his permanent exile to kill them and promised to die as a hero
After, 8 houses in Panyimur were burnt to ashes but fortunately no human deaths were reported but loss of animals' life were heard
However, 4 Road's decomposing body was discovered after 5 days,
4 Road Officially declared dead but the investigation is still not clear about the cause of death of the deceased, but found dead and hidden
More detais are coming, Approved By Raj Skillz

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