Table of contents
Table of contents 1
Sources 1
Encounters and evidences of existences of UFOs, aliens and extraterrestrials 3
Expanding awareness 44

 Secrets of the UFOs – 7News Spotlight documentary
 The storybook by Jamal Mustafa – the men in black edition
 Alien Case Files _ Fast walkers _ Alien and UFO encounters documentary
 Ancient Alien Top Ten Encounters of 2022
 The project Bluebook
 www.blackvault.com
 www.stantonfriedman.com
 The majestic 12 report
 Inside the spaceship by Gorge Adamski
 www.ufophotoarchives.com
 International UFO report by jimmy Carter
 www.jimmars.com
 www.delphiassociates.com
 Inflation theory implications for ETs visitations
 The day after Roswell
 Safe space news agency
 Images are credited to the sources.
 Cover Image: Sipa US / Alamy Stock Photo Above: Ryan Graves, David Grusch and David Fravor are sworn in during a hearing on “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Implications on National Security, Public Safety, and Government Transparency,” on the 26th July 2023
 HBCC research – Canadian UFO research society
 www.cnufos.com
 The science and mysticism of crop circles by Freddy Silva

1. Are we possibly alone in the universe or not?
2. Are there really admissible evidences that there are extra-terrestrials on earth?
3. If, they are, are there cover ups?
4. Have the aliens travel technology come to the world?
5. Are UFOs real?
6. Could it be possible that our universe is not only immense but it is full of life?
7. What actions have been taken if they really exist?
8. What are their effects?
What are aliens, UFOs and extra-terrestrials and the Men in Black?
Flying saucers is an evidence of existence intelligent non-human life. They are detected by technology which sense objects as explained by David Maler, a UFO historian. The objects are highly anomalous in nature, and are not comparable to human technology.

Encounters and evidences of existences of UFOs, aliens and extraterrestrials

Figure 1 aliens’ photo

1. On 27th June of 1947, in the United States of America, Washington, Maury Island, Mr. Harold Duller and his son Charles Harold were doing a voluntary preservation of the shores and coastline and their dog. On course of the service towards the pacific coastline shores, they noticed about 6 flying objects with saucer-like shapes, a half a mile from their boat.

Figure 2 image of the six flying objects Harold and his son saw
One of the six objects crushed 457M from where they were. In surprise while watching what was happening, one of the remaining five objects opened at its base and started raining metallic objects to Mr. Harold and his son.

Unfortunately, one of the objects hit Charles on the arm and the dog was hit and died on the spot. Luckily, their boat had a shade and they hid themselves under the shade as they escaped towards the shore. Mr. Harold explained what he had seen to another volunteer, Chrisman. He did not believe so he asked Mr. Harold to take him to the scene so that he could witness what had occurred.
Three days earlier before the incident, Kenneth albert, an astronaut, had witnessed a similar encounter as he had seen a saucer-like object in Reinhart hills in Washington. He explained the incidence to Washington police who did not believe in him but told him that he had seen an illusion. Kenneth was the first to speak about alien technology. The story about Kenneth however had reached the greater public. Reinhart hills are close to Maury Island. Chrisman went to the scene and found the object which had crashed.
They started looking for the pilot Kenneth and found him the same day. They told him what Harold had experienced and he found who were now sharing the same story as him. Kenneth promised them that he would explain to the air force the story stories and if they accepted to conduct research, he would inform them. The air force police were convinced by his story and promised to conduct research. The morning before Harold went to the air force to explain his story, he was visited by two men who were dressed in black suits and black hats. They told him that they knew what had he had experience the previous day and warned him of explaining it to anyone otherwise he would encounter a tragedy and that no one would prevent it from happening. After the few words, they left. Since Kenneth had already convinced the police, Harold urged Chrisman to represent him. The air force appointed two people to conduct the research at Maury Island. When the police concluded the research, on resumption to washing, the fighter jet, B52 they had crashed and the police died on scene. People started believing in Harold’s story and existence of aliens. The case was then transferred to the FBI. Their case was based on interviewing the witnesses (experiencers). They came to conclusion that the two had not witnessed anything but had made a story so that they would get money from interviews from media houses. However, in 2017, Washington senator passed a congregation to admit that what had happened to Harold and Kenneth was real. It was however 70 years later.
2. Roswell, New Mexico, USA, on 4th July ,1947, a flying disc crashed, debris and alien bodies were flown to Wright field air force base, Dayton, Ohio.

Figure 4. Roswell UFO craft crash

3. In 1955, Albert K. Bender, who was long researching on aliens and their need for coming to earth. After a long period of researching and preparing his report, he spoke on media and made it frank that he would be releasing his report which would end the debate on existence of UFOs and aliens. After speaking on media about releasing the report, he was visited by three men who were dressed in black and warned him against releasing the report. He however continued complaining of receiving anonymous and anomalous calls until his death in 2002. Dr. Albert described the men as o have materialized from the wall of his house o his bedroom, they had glowing eyes and smelt like sulfur. They spoke in telepathy warning him to discontinue publication of his magazine “The Space Review” He afterwards became sick and could n tea for three days. After the incident he was periodically visited by those mysterious creatures and had the same warning. He ultimately gave up his UFO research and stopped publishing the magazine. Linda, the investigating journalist quotes what the M.I.B told Dr. Albert.

“we come from a very far distant place in this universe and we have been coming and going from your planet for some time and cannot allow you or anyone to interfere and in fact, we have taken many humans from this planet to cover up our operations, until we are done.”
4. In 1966, there was an encounter in Westall high school by school pupils who saw a dazzling silver UFOs hovering around their school compound as it was explained by Shane Ryan. He added that it happened In Melbourne, Australia in broad daylight and was witnessed by masses of people.

Figure 7. Westall High School, Australia, witnesses a UFO
Andrew Greenwood, a Westall high school retired science teacher says he was teaching then the door flew open and a young girl rushed in and said, “Mr. Greenwood, here is a flying saucer.” He continued hat when he looked up, he saw those objects in the sky. They were directly over the side of the school.
Joy Clarke, a former Westall high school student aided in explanation saying that she had never seen such a thing before as it was something unusual and occurred around 16th April 1966. They claimed that it would not be a plane as Melbourne airport was just 500m away from the school.
Another former student explained that it was fly about 3-5 meters then sideways and then disappeared into the sky. She added that before disappearing it mad several accelerations and then vanished.
The first student says that the principal later after two days took her to a room in the school which had two Americans who told her not to talk to anyone about it as it was a matter of national security.
5. On another encounter, Elliot Seifert said that it was about 0200hrs and they were losing control and the sky was clear then allover a sudden an object, which he described demonstrating with his hands that if you could hold you index finger and the pinkie. He said that it moved up and down twice or thrice then it vanished.
6. In 1967, Robert Richard, at night while driving in Torre in Spain, he had an accident where a mysterious object hit his car, an object he could compare to those he had seen on the internet on UFOs absolutely, a flying saucer. The object disappeared immediately after knocking his car. His car was knocked very hard by the object. When he alighted from the car to see the degree of wreckage, he saw a piece of metal which did not belong to his car. He took the metal so that he could use it as evidence. The next day before taking the object to the police, he was visited by two men in black. They told him that if he wanted his wife to remain as beautiful as she is, he should hand the metal he collected the previous day. He wondered how they knew about it yet he had not told anyone about it. He considered it as not a big deal and handed the metal to them.

Figure 8. suspected UFO car accident in Spain
7. In 1968, Jack Robinson and his wife and a puppy, New York, a researcher on aliens and UFOs, were determined to release information about aliens and that they exist and that the government is doing a coverup to the public to keep them on the know. At night, there was a person they did not recognize who was roam around their home and on the third day they took a photo of the person. He did not look like a normal person and had the characteristics of the men in black. Since taking the photo, they never saw the person again. It was the ever first photo of the me of men in black. They took the photo to the authorities so that the person could be traced but never got any response from the authorities. They were really terrified as they were UFO and alien researchers and their greatest enemies were the men in black.
8. On 11th of September 1976, Dr. Albert Hopkins, an American alien researcher on the evening received a call from a person who claimed to be an alien activist and told him that he wanted to talked to talk to him on that day on matters touching on aliens. Dr. Hopkins accepted and after some time, the person was on the door knocking. Dr. Hopkins opened the door and noticed that the man was dressed in black and had a blacked hat. Outside was a car which seemed to have a similar man who was also dressed in black. They possibly were the men in black. Before they stared talking, the man in black told him that he knew that he, Dr. Hopkins, had two silver coins in his pocket. He told him to get one of the coins and as he was holding it, it started losing its silvery color and started vanishing his hand and completely disappeared. The man asked Hopkins if he knew about a man known as Mr. Barry Hill but he claimed to have only have heard of him. Barry Hill, his wife and his puppy in 19th September 1961 at around 2234hrs were visited by anomalous creatures who in a flying saucer. Barry explained what had happened to people and police on what he had seen and was abducted by nonhuman creatures. He was then visited by the men in black who ordered him to halt telling people what he had experienced but he did no heed to their orders. He passed on in 1969. The man who had visited Hopkins told him that right now Barry has no life as he does not have the coin had in his hands. The man then in slow voice told him to destroy the reports he had on aliens and never to tell anyone on what had happened. Hopkins continued receiving mysterious calls from the M.I.B.
9. In August 1946, an esteemed US navy officer and explorer Richard Arnold, one of the US pilots decided to fly from north pole to the south poles with 30 ships and 23 aircrafts and over 47000 military personnel. Linda Moulton Howe says that it was an important after the conclusion of the second world war. They had planned to go for the expedition for four months i.e., December, January, February and march. They were to achieve several military goals. One of the military goals was investigation of potential sites for established of a military base in Antarctica. Towards the end of February, something happened. During his exploration, he identified something really unexpected.

Jonathan Young, Ph. D, a found curator of Joseph Campbell Archives says that the story with something he back later was suppressed by government authorities. In his diary, which was discovered by his son after his death, Arnold came across something extra ordinary. He caught that there was an entrance into the central of the earth through the south pole and he took planes through the south pole when he did discover that. He had squared through the place and discovered that his working tools shouldn’t be there although it was temporary. He investigated into the tunnel and learnt that it was much green. He couldn’t believe his eyes. That was just the beginning of his extraordinary story. He tells how all over a sudden he started to see shimmering underground city that was made of crystal. His plane was taken control when he suddenly saw a disc shaped flying objects that lead him to the underground where he was escorted to a confidential area. The master told him that they are really disappointed in what the humanity is doing with nuclear weapons and how they destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki and are really concerned about what is going on, on the surface of the planet. They told him that they hope humans will ultimately stop this.
This story of Arnold is particularly significant due to the fact that the man UFO era began after the World War II and discoveries of the first atomic bombs. It has also been reported ha many UFO siting have been in the vicinity of nuclear missile set up. His story is connected to numerous Extraterrestrials or angelic beings that are very concerned about what humanity is doing with nuclear weapons. USA missiles have also been disarmed by what has been thought to be Extraterrestrials. They are ultimately concerned that we are ultimately not going to destroy ourselves or harm our planet which is their world as well.

Question: If Arnold’s secret diary is authentic, does it reveal not only that there are early beings leading inside the earth, but also, they are monitoring what is happening on the surface of the earth?

According to the diary, after this incredible encounter, Arnold was eager to share his story but was ordered to remain silent. When he came back from the expedition, he was taken to a government top house and told to never speak to anyone of the encounter.

Question: Could Arnold’s story connect to a fore found connection between endangered relation between strange beings inside the earth and he UFO phenomenon?

Most say yes and think we might find ourselves approach face to face with the beings up on earth.
10. Rendlesham forest, England, has become famous for being a site for UFO siting and encounters and also those who experience it also believe that these incidents involve time travel.
The event occurred in 26th December 1980; airman John Burroughs was performing a night security check under the Air force when he received a radio call to investigate a possible downed craft.
“My supervisor called me on radio and asked me to accompany him so we can check. We were driving down the road when all of a sudden, we saw some strange lights. My counterpart James Penniston went down.”
TSGT James Penniston said that they could see strange multiple colors and strange things and when they arrived, he couldn’t really explain he didn’t feel like its electricity. They felt it on their skins and hands which got progressively bad when they got closer.

Figure 12. Triangular suspected UFO craft witnessed by Penniston
As they got close to the object, they noticed it was triangular in shape and measured about 6 to 7 feet high and was black in color. James adds that on getting close he saw arts on the object which he had never seen and could not translate them. When James touched the object, he said that he felt information freshly downloaded in his mind and downloaded it. It was a series of 1s and 0s which upon writing looked like a binary code.

Figure 14. unrecognized writings on the craft

Figure 15
Years later, a computer programmer ran the code through a translation program and the message read
Exploration of humanity
Continuous for planetary advance
Eyes of your eyes
Origin year 8100
When one sees the origin year, one might speculate that we may not only be looking at extraterrestrials but also time travelers from the future.

After this incident the US military conducted a brief investigation but allegedly kept the eye witnesses away from the press, but for John Burroughs and James Penniston, the event wasn’t easy to leave behind. Both men had lasting physical event for the encounter and even recorded strange nightmares and dreams. John said that after the encounter, he started having throat and eye problems. When he went to the hospital the doctors asked him if he had been exposed to radiations. He also had dreams about the incident and had feelings of what was happening and what was going to happen in the future. Penniston says that he got eye servers about 3 years later which is around 1983, then he started having mysterious dreams and nightmares. During the dreams he could see usual time travels following the 40,000 years in the future. He sees that the purpose for his coming back in the next 40,000 years is to correct things that might have gone wrong. He says that he had never ever believed of extraterrestrials until that day he personally experienced them.
Could it be that the craft they witnessed cannot come from a distant stop but from a distant point in time?

Figure 17. future sighting in a nightmare by Penniston

Quan Binh, Vietnam – Longa Hookah discovered a mysterious engines hidden in a cave obscured by dense mountain overgrowth cliff. The cliff leading to the cave entrance are so steep such that the cave could not be explored further but he knew its location. Two years later, the British explored the cave. What they discovered was so outstanding. It’s the largest underground chamber on the planet. Bill Birness, Ph.D., a co-author of The Day After Roswell, asks, “Is that just a cave?” He says that it’s an actual world in Vietnam.
inside the cave, it’s about forty stories high. There’s actually an ancient forest, flowing water, not potholes or a stream but an actual river. Inside the cave is an entire growing ecosystem.
The cave is so deep such that it looks like it’s an own reality. The cave is estimated to be about three million years old. The cave runs through the earth in an estimated length of at least 6 miles and an enormous area has collapsed to let sunshine in. the cave has trees and other vegetation in. The area residents describe the most shocking thing about the cave is the inhabitants of the cave. They say that the inhabitants are strange creatures which they describe as humanoid-reptilian creatures which are similar to Seraphim or wing serpents established in the traditions. The seraphim escaped and went to live in the inner earth according to the old tradition’s teachings.

Figure 22. the winged beings also known as the seraphim
Questions. Is it possible that the reports of reptilian in the cave are
In contact with beings from inner earth?
Well, it may seem incredibly true after the reports during Vietnam war in the 1970s. US soldiers encountered what they described as abrupt visits in the cave and accounts of reptilian beings existing in the underground cabins can be traced all across the globe even on the other side of the earth.
11. The same account as that in Vietnam exists in Peru, around Crusoe where there are many stories of internal system that has something to do with serpent deities.
Figure 23. serpent deities in Peru
12. According to David Childress, author of Technology of The Gods. To prove their authorities themselves, they are very dangerous, they looked up all the entrances around Crusoe and they shielded them up. This is a very known story about the story of Perugia history. While there have been many reports from about the world of humanlike reptilian beings, this is an inner identity described as Zoomaric which is also most witnessed in most time even in modern times.
As of Rabbi Ben-ZTion Saloff, senior fellow international society for philosophical enquiry, according to the zoomaric literature, there are things inside the earth possessing big black eyes and noses that are just two dark spots on the face. He adds that the literature corresponds to what was being witnessed. He further adds that there is a lot of evidence adding to that the beings being thought of coming from other planets are not coming from another but from inside Soloff of our own planet. The black-eyed identities commonly referred to as Greys by Ufologists on the beings mostly highly as alien abductees. Many claim to have been taken by disc shaped crafts.
Qin. Could it be the so-called flying saucers, often reported in on modern times
Are not coming from outer space but inside the earth?
According to some ancient theorists, this notion is supported by numerous accounts of UFOs that have been seen escaping into the landscape and even sometimes directly into the mountains.
13. Despite the USA having denied researching on UFOs, some nations have always been ahead in the UFO research approach. The leading country has been in south America, Chile, the Chilean government officially instructed the Air Traffic control and military personnel to create a committee for study of anomalous aerial phenomenon by commercial community and civilian pilots.
One of the most shocking was an incident in 2014 when a Chilean navy officer flying along the coast of Santiago captured a video of a UAP. “There was an incident in 2014 where a military helicopter got video of a strange object which looked kind of a rocket which flew behind him and as they were about 4520F, they had 9 minutes of fairly clear video that showed the UAP.” Said Alejandro Rojas.

Richard Dolan says that the Chilean Military studied the video for two years and they were not able to identify this at all. This means that this was most likely probable to be a UFO craft.
Chile among other south American states seems to be formal of this idea of flying saucers and other flying objects into our space.
Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, ancient astronaut theorist, says that the south American countries are more open minded about the idea of UFO and extraterrestrials is because it has been part of their cultural heritage. In fact, for real, and reassure for international theory for the culture spoke of these beings descending from the sky and so these countries essentially grew up with this intrinsic knowledge of someone up in the sky.
14. Brazil has had an history really traumatic UFO encounter. Chile and Uruguay may be as well, but the whole world doesn’t pay much attention to it.
Revelation by government of Brazil about its UFO files dating to as early as 1954 to the people of Brazil.
A.J. Gevaerd, a Brazilian UFO researcher says that over 80 witnesses, firsthand witnesses came forward and are still coming and tell pieces of the big study which comprises capture of at least 2 alien creatures. He says it is a fact as they have it all documented and supported by the witness statements.
One alien was captured in the morning of 23rd Saturday by personnel from the army. The other creature was seen the same day by middle afternoon by three girls. It caught the attention of the whole city. He first creature did not capture much attention but upon the girls seen it, the word spread that they had seen the devil.
Figure 25. 2nd creature caught in Brazil
That night the second creature was captured. I was captured by Marquez who saw it and captured it with his own bare hands and took it to the hospital in a police car. His immunity system was completely destroyed as he was having bacterial attacks. The army personnel protested until the information was released.
15. In the middle of Pacific Ocean, roughly 2500 miles on the north east of Australia, lies an ancient city known as Nan Madol consisting of more than 100 manmade Islands of eastland coast of Asia. It has been dumped the 8th wonder of the world.

William Henry, “the side of Pohnpei of east Asia is one of the stringiest places on the planet. It is an 115sq mile complex composed of 250 tons of bales of stone length, floating on sigmas of coral reef. They are 18ft long and 14ft diameter and a stack of 40 ft high.
Today the sidelines are abandoned by the local micronations who consider it haunted.
T.O.K Thompson, Ph. D., professor of Anthropology in university of California explains, “long ago is one of these civilizations. Its interesting central power of civilization and also seems that it might have been built on earlier civilizations. Since stone is difficult to accurately date, no one knows for certain when it was built or how it was built.
When you ask the local population where these blocks were carried from, they say that they were flown across the island.
Andrew Gough, author of Lost Ancient Wisdom who did a Legend Twin Sorcerers of giant proportions came down from the sky and floated above the site and positioned the preserved columns as they desired. A legend which had very similar to the story of Primarolo. He adds that when he hears the story he wonders if perhaps there could be another example of what is called Misunderstood Technology. As with other site like the Primarolo, Bombeck, and Corsicana, legends say that the structures were not firs o exist here on earth, but were built above much older city. The mystery of Nan Madol even in more when we manufacture in local legend that it was built by royal civilization called the Camusso which is smudged under water but still has to sound as megalumens, objects that appear of so-called coulombs which have been infect been found beneath the ocean at Nanos. Those who were studying coulombs under water found a curious electromagnetic anomaly. They say that there is a strong magnetic field in each one of the 250 tons of baritone there.
David Childress says that if you take a compass and pass it across the stone, the compass will just spin.
He cites itself is a special power spot and energy forces and that is why nan madong is still there and this legendary city is called Camusso.
The local population also records many other sightings of lobs and plates that have been seen hovering around the nan madol.
Is it because of the magnetic spectrum of the earth?
If so, is it through magnetism the stones were transported through the air, because the locals say that they were flown through the air?
Some ancient astronaut theorists suggest that elevated electromagnetic energy present a nan Madol was not only a powerful tool used to use to transport stone columns but here must have been evidence that ETS helped to build there.
Hugh Newman, co-author, Megalith: Study of Stones says that there must have been a sacred secret corner at the site where the they were connecting with Gods. Not just a visionary experience but actually in the land.
Travis Taylor, Ph. D., astrophysicist, says, “we hear of vortex in science fiction culture and the vortex is just a mathematical thing describes a swirling motion and a magnetic field can be formed in a vortex. You can create a vortex that transports information from one position to the other at the speed of light or even faster. If there are places on earth with stronger speed of vortex, you can see people going there to build structures that may be alter the electromagnetic field of the local environment.”
There is some kind of vortex in some sacred places.
Does the principles of oracle sites, megalithic temples, where they built dynasties to be the communication portals between these different places.?

Figure 34
George Noora, a radio host, Coast to Coast AM, says that there are no more questions in his mind that they are extraterrestrials communicating a long time ago.
16. In 1991, geologist searching for gold deposits in Russia’s Euro mountains made a highly unexpected discovery. At the depths of at least 30 ft, they found a metal ore. David Childress says that the Russian geologists found thousands of nano metallics and upon examining, some were spiral and tiny machine beads and when they looked in microscopes, they found that they were nano machine beads, we are creating today.
That was found exactly the same place where Martin found in the desert outside Roswell. Visitors of Roswell and euro mountains have reported encounters with disc shaped crafts draining fine across the sky. There has also been UFO and UAP links to the Russian Euro mountains compared to any other parts of the world.
Paul Stonehill says that there has been incredible UFO sighting in the Euro Mountains. There have been stories of civilizations that have disappeared and went underground, the so-called dwarfs in the Euro mountains.
If the nano particles collected in euro mountains are debris of a UFO craft crash, they bring up another intriguing possibility because they stand out the people of earthy found. They could have been deposited up to even 1000yrs ago. They were thinking that these things might be at least 50,000yrs old. So, is this also a debris filled from a crashed ET craft in the Euro mountains. There could be crash sies all over the world which are even more than 1000yrs old which are hiding remnants of ET Craft crashes like some hills in China, Australia or Rumble mountains in England.
17. Eceti Ranch, Trout-lake, Washington, May 2019. Former intelligence officer Nick Pope visited the Eceti ranch which is home to enlightened contact to extraterrestrial intelligence. Major UFO researchers consider it a major site for unexplained ET phenomenon.
Figure 37. eceti ranch
18. Over the past 33 years, scientists from Berlin, NASA and Washington have been coming to this city to research the activities in the sky. Nick Pope says that his first remote UFO viewing came when he was running the UK UFO viewing program.
19. In addition to south America, other parts of the worth have also started releasing information about UFOs such as Bureau in Germany, Moscow in Russia and governments are opening investigations and reporting through civilians and military personnel.
One of these countries is Japan. In 2018, the Japanese government released an official statement denying the existence of UFOs.
Steven Greenstreet, an investigative journalist, NY post said that for the longest time in Japan, those in charge and on top of the defense departments have denied UFOs and ETs existence in earth or the Japan airspace.
Greg Sullivan, investigator, Japan center for ET intelligence says that he thought that was strange as they had had interviews with pilots who had several incidents and testimonies that they gave regarding various encounters on the air and on the ground when they were in military.
Mamoru Sato, a former wing commander of the Japanese Air Self-defense Force said that he regularly heard stories from other pilots as well as civilian about UAP sightings. He said that there is something strange up there and he has had an opportunity to see inexplicable facts that there are UFOs monitoring the sky. It was his subjected view that they make a report to organize those things and collect data. His attempt was only shared among his colleagues. According to Sato, numerous pilots have reported highly anomalous encounters with what they described as guard shaped objects.
Figure 39. guard looking objects seen by the aviation student in Japan
During one such incident, a student in his fighter pilot course even lost control of his craft. He said that the aircraft stared going crazy. The alarm rang indicating that there was something wrong with the machine. He then saw a gourd shaped object fly about 1500M high from E. west. It then anomaly continued and disappeared.
For years, pilots in the Japanese military were instructed to remain silent about such incidents, but, in September 2020, Japan’s long period of secrecy ended in denial when the defense minister tasked Japan air force to make visual recording with an encounter with such explained crafts. Many believe that this shift policy was prompted by a meeting held one month earlier between minister Conor and his counterpart defense secretary Marquez.
Nick Pope, UK ministry of defense 1985-2006, said that the Japanese after this meeting gave a press conference and said one of the topics, they wanted to come up was Unexpected Aerial Phenomenon and talked about the need to cooperate about it.
Ryan Sprague, author of Somewhere in The Skies, said that that was a major progress when they go closer to their allies like Japan and talk about UFO and agreeing to cooperate. He adds that the fact that Japan had denied that there was UFO activity happening in the country and establishing the Japanese space operations projects seemed to him that certainly there was something going up in the sky of Japan.
Governments in the world are now beginning to acknowledge that there are things going up on the sky that are not of this earth.
20. 1980, secret report of the majestic 12 which was led by the president of USA Harry Truman leaked. It was based on researching on aliens and the stories of Kenneth and Harrold. The majestic 12 was founded in July 1947, after the incidence of 8th July 1947 when a saucer crashed in Lincoln and in New Mexico. The leaked information said that the metallic pieces which were being rained on Harrold were nuclear pieces. They were issued to CIA. CIA and FBI deny being majestic 12 group.
21. Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Ph. D., author and physicist also talked about the alien saucer like craft describing them as fast walkers due to their supersonic speed.
Robert O. Dean says that there were incidents being reported of what was happening all over the northern part of USA and he had seen their messages and pictures which were taken and also statements of witnesses who saw them. He also claims to be more incidents apart from the one he had come across.
This is not just about UFOs; it is not just about the invisible guys from the space. The conclusion is that we may be being visited by guys from other galaxies.
Robert O. Dean, Ret Sergeant Major, also adds that study became initiated in 1961 where Unidentified Flying Objects were seen flying the Soviet section to the East and the middle Europe. The objects were very much alike. They turned through the north and disappeared. Soviets thought they were USA’s or NATO but later both forces knew they did not belong to any. The objects demonstrated a high level of technology. They were circular and metallic.
He further says that there were 4 groups. They were all human alien but weren’t human. Only one of the four was what they considered human as he identically looked like a human. They could put on suit and tie and the females covered themselves as well. They could put on dress suit and tie and sit next to you and respond.
John Greenwood Jr (The Black Vault). He says that there are documents at the black vault that prove that US military base has been breached by the UFOs and were shut down due to UFOs hovering over the place. He adds that when air force attendants, pilot who saw the UFO asked to report about it, he described the size, the direction of flight, the speed and the wind condition and was forwarded to the NORAD and the US Northern command.
Dr. Richard Boylan, PhD, says that he himself read headlines of UFOs caught flying over the nation’s capital.
Alan G. Tolman, aerospace engineer, he says that he was returning from institute of learning and working for Dangles Aircraft in California. He says he had heard about George who had pictures of the anomalous space ships. On the weekend he would entertain people of all walks of life and he had taken pictures of the sky crafts. He went up to see him for the telescope he used to take pictures of the flying saucers. Tolman says that he was about to take his eyes off the eyepiece of the telescope when he saw a blue and whitish object. He dropped his head by to see if he would see the object on bare eyes and didn’t. The object was about 5000 yards from his house and there was flare-like blue-white line. He says that he at first thought it was an illusion but when he looked closely, he saw an elliptical flying saucer which to him it seemed like it was hovering the ground. He heard its increasing frequencies and was getting brighter and brighter and it shot up the until it looked like one of the stars. He says that it had a watery shimmery look with bluish white. Sometimes it appeared elliptical shape and sometimes a circular look. They watched it and mad a phone call. Fighter jets tried to get to the object but it appeared to get brighter and brighter. It shot up and went over the plane height limit. There were three rings which radiated from the faze to the craft all the way to the horizon. It looked as if someone had dropped a pebble in a glass of still water as the rings were spreading.
Dr. Stephen Greer, The Disclosure Project, says that they have more than one witness who was involved in tracking these objects. He said that this stuff is real and suggested that they write a report. He adds that they have over 600page book containing witness statements on UFOs and Radio tape Transcripts. They have over 450 military personnel and intelligent witnesses, some being generals, traffic controllers, air force to civilians, astronauts, and databases of people who have been in the projects of UFO research. He adds that even though there are cover ups by governments, people have been coming and unveiling the truth.
Stanton T. Friedman, nuclear physicist, he says that he is convinced by studies in 1958 that our planet was being visited by intelligently controlled extraterrestrial crafts and most probably UFOs.
Col. Wendell C. Stevens, Ret USAF fighter pilot, says that he started buying and collecting magazines about UFOs. He then started trading pictures to get more pictures on UFOs. He wonders if he could collect as much images on his own, what about the government which has more state cooperations and agencies researching on UFO phenomenon.
He further states that when the aliens visited then in their working room, one of the aliens went upside the table and took his engineering tools and took a white shirt and wore looked less alien but still had the alien face, big head, big eyes and his sitting was contrasting from that of human. The only communications he aliens could make was only signs he had learnt from engineering skills. In 1968, he was also learning the alien technology in Los Angeles headquarters in US.

Alfred L. Weber, Author, says that in1977, he became a director of ET communications in conjunction with Jimmy Carter. He says that he had encounter with UFOs in the company of 10 members of the Georgia’s Lion club in 1969. When Jimmy Carter was governor of Georgia in 1973, he filed an official UFO report which is now on the internet. The 1976 US presidential campaign was extraordinary because it was weighed between Jimmy Carter and Henry Goodson Garner. It included an enclosure plan. Jimmy was asked if he could unveil occasions when he had encounter with UFOs.
CMD Graham E. Bethune, Ret. Navy pilot, he explained how he experienced a UFO encounter. He says that he had disengaged some of the parts of his plane. He then heard noises and wondered. He then saw an object which drifted about 5 miles. They then began to watch and discovered it was a friendly encounter and did not want them to recognize it. He asked his counterpart if he had seen it come towards them whirling. It was then behind them and they thought it was chasing them. Soon it went under their planes wing. They later noticed it was a flying saucer. He said that till then, he did not believe in such things.
Donald Ware, Nuclear Engineer, he says that when he was 16 years old, he was walking down the street heading to Virginia, he then saw a broad light around Washington which was later seen in news headlines to be of UFO. Since then, he has seen and heard about alien miracles and occasions.
James Courant, captain major airline, says that the signs are more and there are more things flying which look like pie and others are five sided.
Jutta Saville says that since she was been a child, she has been looking at the sky and keeps on believes that there are more than just human beings in this big universe.
There are more live forms and dimensions.
Bruce Jessop, Safe space news agency, says that he has had several witnesses, some claiming that they had an encounter. One explains that around 1974, he was walking between Ottawa and Montreal and remembers going on highway, they came within literally 7 feet huge craft and was thinking that he wasn’t literally seeing it. They slowed down and an enormous shape, which he says would describe as 2-3 times bigger than the AS747. It completely and silently glided over the highway. He said that he could not mistake it as at that time, there was no such a thing that could have existed.
Lt. Stoyan Cheresharov, Ret. LT Bulgarian Air force-MIG fighter pilot believes that there is much more we can believe compared to what we can see with our own eyes.
David Coote, Major airline pilot says that in January of 2005 at around 1724hrs, he was driving in the evening when saw a black object coming over the on the sky. It was a solid object. He thought it was a geezer at first or a piece of plastic. It was not affected by light. It was very dark. It looked like a plank. It had an oblique shape. It was an anomalous object. He couldn’t relate it to anything.
They are fast walkers due to their supersonic speed. They can go up to even more than 1000nauticle miles and make turns without decelerating.
22. Richard Giordano, a sky watcher and UFO hunter and has a website called www.CNUFOs.com says he developed interest in all life but was accelerated in 4th December 2004, when he woke up during the night and saw strange lights on the sky. He developed interest in skywatching and developed the skywatching site which he uses infrared cameras and he’s always catching something flying on the sky but the camera can detect normal human movement in the sky.
23. Stephen Bassett, involved in political resolution and tries the infrared cameras. He says that he developed ET interest when he was into an international security organization. He also explained his encounters as a pilot on the UFO sightings.
24. Mexico and Brazil – unprecedented UFO sightings have been happening in the entire area of south and central America. Images gathered from infrared special cameras in Mexico and Brazil seem to indicate the aliens across the area.
25. Jaime Maussan, anchorman of “60minutes” Mexico, in his investigations and journalistic work on UFO claims that he has been recording and can clearly prove that something is really happening in Mexican air space. He further provides that the Mexican army recorded and the deal was good to be released to the world.
26. Daniel Muñoz, journalist and researcher says that he filmed a UFO following a plane flying from San Antonio to Mexico City over a place called San Louis port. It was directive and also presented the film and released it to the general public.
Figure 43.Daniel Munoz' sighting
There are things which we cannot see with our own eyes but they are there, they are watching over us. Sometimes ago in Mexico, there have been registers of some more spectacular videos and in the videos, you can see hundreds of objects flying together toward the same direction and at an equivalent speed with the same characteristics and the make of the objects is also the same.
The more the researches, the more the discoveries. Tens of thousands of credible people have claimed that they have had encounters and had personal conducts with aliens and other ETs. For example, Charles Hall, an author and nuclear physicist describes how they look like as of how he saw them.
He says they are human like. Their heights range from 5-11 ft., they typically with blue or black eyes with white pupils. Their eyes take a pinkish lid are wider than humans. Their ears and mouths are half the size of humans. Their ears slide back unlike those of humans. They have no teeth mainly because they do not feed. He however says that there are different races of the ETs visiting our planet and he approximates them to be around 57 to 60 races.
27. Robert Miles, a UFO experiencer, describes his experience on aliens as the following;
“I was in my sailing bed in Hawaii and had a little hover. I had gotten up earlier and I was laying on the bed just looking at the beautiful sunrise that had gone through the sky light then suddenly emerged an incredible energy which enveloped me and the whole room began to glow and then emerged a beautiful woman next to my bed. At first, I thought I was dreaming or hallucinating. I said, ‘you cannot be real’ she as well said, ‘well I am.’ ‘why are you here?’, I asked her.
Figure 44. the beautiful woman who appeared
In response, she said that she was there as a representative of a group of friends and wanted him to attend their briefing. I boarded what could be called a saucer and was some type of a unidimensional vehicle that took me to the briefing that occurred on Jupiter and the whole planet just radiated with energy and I spent some time there with these incredible beings and I got a glimpse of destiny view. They started questioning me if when asked, would I say I was abducted or went there willingly? I said that I went there willingly. They also asked me what I would tell other ETs in case I met them. I said that I would just say energy fill. I could just describe the experience as Ecstasy.”
Another experiencer, Steven Jones also explained as follows;
“The room light was on but my eyes were closed. I knew someone wanted to open my eyes. Eventually, I did open my eyes because I could hear noises in the room and scuffling on the floor. I did open my eyes, there were 3 small grey beings with big black eyes, big heads and skinny limbs. They pulled me out of the bed with one behind me and one on each side of me on the elbows and moved me towards the window. As we approached the window, I felt the stickiness. It was like stickiness and feeling being pulled slowly out of my face. It was painful. I just felt very weird and the next time I opened my eyes because I felt cold. I felt wind over my face floating outside of the window, three flats up. Looking at the car park was a very bright light above my head. I couldn’t literally see what was above my head. We floated up into the craft.”
Maurice Osborne, another experiencer said;
“I had been taken in the middle of the night while I was asleep. All through the whole thing I felt something going into my whole nose. It troubled me so much that I opened my eyes. When I opened the eyes, I saw this large headed being with grey skin, large eyes and small other features. They were looking down on me and had long fingers and was holding this instrument that he was using to shave up my nose.”
Jim Mars says that there are various groups of individuals and species which have been time to time been visiting this planet and he thinks that they are trying to describe their existence. Is a group of intelligent beings of which some are good and others are not so good. He however said that this is not the reason to increase fear and anxiety.
Most recently, two mutants emerged that express human alien interactions. The most recent is for those who have had real experience either good or bad and participate which has been used to explore the case whether individuals have been abducted originally or have been volunteering to participate.
28. Some specialists now claim that societies exist in our universe and in every considerable level of social classes and can be development of societies and civilizations that express themselves in different ways or in different religious manners, conflictions and mysteries can also be occurring in our solar system.
There are also several questions arising from the theories of trying to understand the existence and the truth of these Extraterrestrials which may include;
• Have great wars and conflictions occurred in our great solar system?
• Does our planetary past include rebellion and disbeliefs that have been done through wars in our universe?
• In our distant past, have ancient space crafts ranged destructions over planets?
“Genesis 19:24: then the Lord rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the lord out of heaven.”
“Genesis 6:1- when men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and they married down and hey married any of them they chose.”
Jim Mars also says that the historical record is plain. He says that this phenomenal sense is recorded in our history. He says that the oldest historical records talk about flying biomass and that they were used to launch weapons, bomb cities and perform other stuff.
Figure 46. flying Biomass launching weapons and attacks described in old historical books
He regards this record to Ezekiel, a book in the Old Testament of the Bible.

Lisa Davis says that her main question has always been whether the god of this planet is also up there too. This sent her to this journey to understand this phenomenon why and what is the reasoning for this and why is all his happening when we think of aliens and angels. The understanding of these divine being is also considered difficult as we cannot see nor communicate to hence somehow impossible to believe in their existence.
It is not only the bible which bears reference to the UFOs and ETs in our history books but also drawings, paintings and stone curves and even coins reflect strange human like creatures.

Figure 49. heavenly beings visiting
ancient people in flying discs

Series of researches are not stating that there are abductions ongoing and how the abductions do help or harm us.
Alfred L. Weber answers to the question of abductions and says ha he thinks that the main aim for the abductions is to retain human DNA so as to replan it in the centuries down the road.

Figure 51. image view of human DNA
Donald Ware also says that the governments are covering up the UFO and UAP phenomenon for exon-politics purpose since no president has ever stood in a press conference and claimed to be aware of. They neither claim to be having projects researching on UFOs or surveying us to upgrade our biological knowledge, to build better bodies and other sources of explanations. They don’t about such confidential governmental projects which are undertaken under loud secrecy.
Dr. Michael Salla, PhD, says that what is known about the reptilians is not about the number of abductees nor the number of conductors and whistle blowers. There seems to be a lot of evidence of races of beings on the planet for thousands of years. We consider them to be indigenous earth species and species that lived species that lived on earth thousands of years ago may have played quite an important role in the generic manipulation of genetic engineering which supposed when it comes to humanity.
29. Christopher Mello, a US deputy secretary of Defense 1999-2002, says that on the technology and the performance of the UFOs and UAPs is so extraordinary that they cannot understand how it’s possible. When asked the possibility of the technology being of either Chinese or Russian, he said that they couldn’t understand even how terrestrial rivals could master that technology since it’s out of human understanding. He said that if they aren’t Russian of Chinese, of which he ruled out the possibility of being theirs, they are possibly alien and its however a matter of integrity and science by looking at the facts.
30. At pentagon in 2022, the US defense department made an unprecedented admission. They acknowledged that the videos made by the fighter pilots of UFOs were real. In the past, US government denied everything about UFOs but in December 2017, everything changed. The New York Times revealed existence of pentagon unit which secretly investigated UFOs. Most interestingly, it had videos to prove it.
Figure 52. a screenshot of the video which leaked the Pentagon information
In one of the videos, a white object zigzagged around the surface of water then shot up and disappeared in to the horizon.
According to Leslie Keane, a journalist, she mentioned two revelations.
 Pentagon which started in 2007
 The Nimitz November 14, 2004.
Kevin Day, US navy officer said that they had been tracking an object for 4 days.
Luis Elizondo, Ex-head of pentagon UFO investigation program, explains how one of the objects was interacting with their jet. When it realized it was being traced, it started moving in untraceable movements. He says that it had no problems in maintaining pace. It however all of a sudden, disappeared. He says that the object had wings, no cockpits, no elevators or any other features of an earthly space craft. The US government was forced to admit as over 100 sightings in the pentagon had leaked and the defense department could not control.
31. Researchers now mention a US military base of the air force, Area 51, as a place where the aliens are hidden by the US government and work with the US defense forces.
Area 51 is a US military base which was started in 1955 with the aim of making and experimenting nuclear weapons and being a USA military technology base.
CIA produced a detailed report in 2013 following so many questions from the public on Area 51. What CIA produced compliments what the air force says about area 51 that it is a normal military base. The way the base is operated is also difficult to admit that it’s a normal camp.
o It is a secret camp. Whatever happens in there never comes to the public.
o It is a highly guarded area, possibly, guarded more than the white house.
o It is very secluded, it has so many so many cameras in it and security vehicles are always in patrol.
o It is surrounded by so many sensors which can sense incoming human movements.
o When humans break into the camp, they are non-bargainable shot. No photography is allowed into the camp.
o It’s an underground camp and people believe that it’s in the underground chambers where the aliens are hidden.
o It’s also believed that it’s also in the underground chambers where the humans with alien gene are made, possibly the men in black.

Bob Lazar claims to have worked in Area 51, mainly as an aeronautical engineer, making planes from the alien technology but from the tight security in there and the inside regulations, he has never gotten outside the room he was working in which he describes as S4. He says that he does not know what is inside the other buildings in the base. He however concluded that aliens do exist. He also added that the US government is using so much power to protect the secret.
32. In September 2019, Americans through a certain Facebook page started a discussion and had planned to gather at least 3million people and ambush area 51. Bob lazar warned them not to do so since they would be endangering their lives since they would be shot and killed.
Figure 55. screenshot of Facebook arrangement of concerned citizen planning to invade Area 51
33. Before the day they were going to ambush, the US army spokesperson, Laura McKenna, spoke confidently and warned the Americans not to ambush area 51. On the day they had decided to go and ambush, only 3000 people availed themselves in Nevada and a marched towards area 51. Only 150 managed to enter the camp after force struggle with the police. They were however unable to access the other premises in the camp as the security was tight.

Infected governments are willing to lie. In the past or just a few years ago, many people have been researching on UFO files and have come across different conspiracies. In more than 10,000 websites over the internet have seemed to provide true information on the issue of extraterrestrials. However, some authorities have threatened the bloggers and researchers forcing them to withdraw the reports issued and also to delete the reports posted on the websites.
Strong super powers such as USA and also Japan have previously existence on the earth space and even forced the experiencers to remain silent and not to share what they experienced with the public. Those threatened to remain silent include the military personnel who witness the phenomenon to civilians. Some examples are the experiencer who were interviewed in the Spotlight documentary of the UFOs and also the girl from Westall High school in Australia who was locked up in a room and told not to share the experience with anyone. Others are the military personnel who are excluded from exposure to media for interviews.
The USA government did several projects such as the Majestic 12, project Bluebook and also has secret research projects such as the Pentagon, NORAD and the United States Northern command among other secret research organs based in the defense forces.
Researchers are mostly regular citizens and have proven without a doubt the existence of extraterrestrial beings. Some have also termed the word UFO as mind play. When they propose the release to the government, the government silences them and in their defense claim that the reports are as a matter of national security and would not like their enemies to know about the reports. The researchers are also not allowed to speak in public.
Recently, reports have emerged that the USA’s government have been pressurizing the government of south American countries such as Brazil and Mexico on the cessation of releasing any more reports of the UFO and UAP phenomenon.
People such as Mr. Lord Hillary Norton, Albert K. Bender and others have been visited by unknown creatures which are believed to be government agents who threatened them on releasing their research reports. These creatures are known as the men in black. Their characteristics and presumed purpose are to;
• Men in black is not their real name. It is only on their appearance they are tall and always dress in black clothes and a black hat. They are whites but appear as plastic, have sharp eyes, red lips and have no eyelashes. They speak in deep voices which are robotic and not even close to human. No one knows where they live, whether they have offices or who they work for. They come and leave like aliens in black silent vehicles. They come in either, pairs of threes.
• Researchers have said that if the MIB could be working for a security agency, the information could have leaked about who they are and who they work for. This presents the idea that they are an independent group of maybe aliens of any other extraterrestrials.
• Another information about that if they could be real men, they must have undergone through mental and physical body disorientation and undergone severe training hence remaining such secretive.
• They are identified in number. For example, when they come to you, they present themselves in form of numbers such as, “I am no. 10, or I am no. 7” or any other number.
• They are never armed but hey voices and appearances are enough to scare you.
Most government officials who have worked for various government sectors in the USA have been heard saying that they have encountered aliens and other ETs and says that they are hidden by the government in area 51. The government however says otherwise that there are no aliens in the USA and also said that the area 51 is a normal military base and no aliens existing in the area.
However, like dawning of a new day, the internet is sweeping away the darkness of the wide and also cleaning up the confusion and contradictions of the UFO phenomenon and now the public is being fed with undoubted information on the UFOs.
The ex-conference, a conference called in Washington DC where a bundle of Eminem scientists and researchers broke down the silence and spoke, called for international disclosure and cessation of cover up by governments on UFOs. The conference had the likes of Richard Dolan, Stephen Bassett, Alfred L. Webre among others urged the US government to take the issue out of threat zone in the defense and take it to the Education agency which is potential for science and research.
Expanding awareness
Are we the people on earth on the verge of destruction by technology?
What is going on, on the world is a worldly concern, an international concern not concern of few nations or super powers such as USA and the Great Britain or Russia.
Groups interested in this should at least show benevolence for the researchers to blow out the hell of ignorance out of the public.
ETs are not threat issue, they are education issue and should be treated as an education advantage to future and current generations. This information which is being hidden from the public should be release to the public and let them learn and get used to the phenomenon.
Corrado Balduci says that there are other planets inhabited such as Palpio. He says that there are more creatures which were made by God to give praise to him not only human Beings.
Sean David Morton says that there is a reason why inhabitants of other planets are hidden from us. The reasons include making us feeling powerful in the universe.
UFOs have no harm.

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