Rank: 8207 -344
Stephen Mercy is a singer/songwriter
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Stephen Mercy, aka Flyboyle, is a singer-songwriter and actor born and raised in Nigeria and has been an artist for over a decade.

Having discovered his talent at a tender age, he has been around the entertainment scene for a minute as a broadcaster, a Nollywood actor, and a contributor to the Afropop world. He has even had a chance to work with Big Brother Record Studios.

In 2018 Stephen Mercy released his first single, 'Fantasy,' followed by many others with tracks like 'It's You,' and 'Skelewu,' capturing the hearts of his fans and followers, the latter turning out a DJ's fav.

Stephen Mercy, a 2019 Afrima Awards nominee for the category of the 'Best New Artist,' is known for expressing love experience and sending positive love vibes through his art.
Follow him on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @Stephen mercy.