This is the lyrics of an audio that I recorded on February 14, 2020 for my dear girlfriend, that is, current wife.

The audio with the title "Eu e Tú", is a poem that was recorded in Portuguese by a telephone, in the workplace and the same audio has always been available on the platform of my music.



Me & you

Me and you
We met in the second week of May,
Inside an area that I said “without you, I don't go out”.
That was how my true happiness was born,
In a location by the river, but within the city,
Where time progressed to the end of another semester,
and I rose in love as if I were a master.

Me and you
We know each other as fast as the speed of the Ostrich,
With hearts beating faster and faster like the “ON” of the light.
Me and You were always discussing the cell as husband and wife,
in an environment of fights and reconciliation like any other being.
Fights that led us to supposed separations,
And reconciliation that made our hearts beat.

Me and you
We've known each other for a long, long time!
Where love floated downwind.
We've known each other for a long, long time!
where the key word floated for marriage.
We've known each other for a long, long time!
Where today we go to the temple to meditate in the name of marriage.

Me and you
We are always fighting together with each passing day,
Day after day, towards happiness (s) leaving memories.
Struggling day by day to fortify our romance!
Romance created and practiced towards alliances!
Alliances that in the future will strengthen the true meaning of:
“Me and You, Me and You, Me and You, Me and You, Me and You, You… You… You… You… You !!!”

From: Cellso Bodcrack Guezane… (BOD-C)

To: Géssica JLO Andrade.

Tete, on February 14, 2020.

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