Trend Setters - Sway (African Whine) Feat. Ritchie Black, Boris One Spitter & Rey Macc [Radio Version]

2020 starts off with a bang, This time with so much music coming from the East African Independent Record Label “Trend Setter Recordings. This time the record producers and Songwriters wrote and performed a record. How often do you see that?

Well, Boris One Spitter the Hit producer who has credits on most Peter Miles hit songs such as Frontline, Blessed, etc, Ritchie Black a singer-songwriter well know for penning records most recently Lamu’s Fall In and Rey Macc whose credited on J-Wats, Lamu and many other artistes have released a sizzling Dance Hall record called “Sway” (African Whine).

Putting their work ethic and prior relationship into perspective, It will be clear that it would only be a matter of time before a collaborative project between these 3 workaholics gets released!

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