The ability of an individual organism to metabolise and grow is one of the definition of life.It is the only equation that no one can really solve.
Sometimes we get betrayed by the people we really and truelly treasure. There are those people who are the true definition of hatred,they only see the negative side of you . we need to be strong enough to reach our destination.
We all have stories to tell.Its up to you to choose what is best for you.
As we age up we face so many obstacles along the way.But all in all dont let your problems kill your vision.
Time is the measure of all the measurements. You must be wise enough to realise that with time some things, principles or goals become irrelevant.Achieving your masters degree when you are still young is much better than when you are old. A youth in his or her early 20s can date for even 10 years. But for someone at 50s that's totally madness ..We all have special place in our hearts for people that we will never have .The fact is we have to keep on moving ....BECOUSE LIFE GOES ON.
@mnzareti kenya

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