Swat Matire

Swat Matire

Rank: 2784 +864
Swat Matire who's real names are Boniface Mwangi born and raised in Nairobi, Kenya started music in the year 2015 (more)
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Swat Matire who's real names are Boniface Mwangi born and raised in Nairobi, Kenya started music in the year 2015 after working as a tattooist and as a photocopy attendant, He did his first solo in the year 2019 which will be released this year (2021).He and other Ethic entertainment crew met at a movie shop and vibed to a beat which went on so well that they decided to go to the studio as a group, that happened in the year 2017... They later did their first song Lambo Lolo as a group which became an instant anthem all over east Africa and sub saharan Africa.