NEW MUSIC: Hip hop Artist Conveys 'Hope' In New Video

The human heart has hidden treasures, In secret kept, in silence sealed; The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures, Whose charms were broken if revealed. This is what in my own words I describe hope as. However Kenyan singer / rapper Tahmane, describes this attitude differently in his new song, ‘Sign Of Hope’.

Photo Courtesy Of Tahmane

He goes a step further by releasing visuals to the song which make the picture of this optimistic emotion on an even larger canvass. “The song is about giving hope, inspiring and encouraging each and everyone from humble backgrounds.” Ratifies the artist

In the video, he makes use of the flashback effect joining scenes of his supposed childhood;  the genesis of his music enthusiasm, which progressively flash forwards the story to his goals and how he attained them. This is a video anyone on the success ladder or even at the starting line of their passions has to watch!

Simply encouraging!


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